***Ch.865 Spoilers***

As you can compare the scenes:


No Haki:

Kind of comproved that some Logia’s users are able to put Busoshoku Haki on their Logia WITHOUT LOSING THE LOGIA PROPERTIES (just like Luffy on Gear Fourth that does not lose his rubber abilities).

As there are different kinds of Paramecias and Zoans, we can see that are different kinds of Logias too.
I’m not talking about different power, but different properties.
For example, differents Paramecias:
Luffy has a rubber body, but he can not create rubber.
Doffy does not have a wire body, but he can create wires.

Logias are divided in two types: tangible and intangible.
In this example Katakuri belongs to the tangible division.
Sabo, Smoker, Kizaru for example would belong to the intangible division.

The point is that the “intangible” users until now were not capable of using Haki on their Logias powers. Smoker uses Busoshoku only in his materialized body parts, but he is not capable of using haki ON THE SMOKE properly. So as Sabo which is a haki user, but probably can not put haki on the flames.

It’s kind of confirmed that Busoshoku Haki is capable of be used in the tangible logias.
What do you guys think about it? Will it be able to be used also in the intangibles logias?

*Theory by Diabolique