Did You Know?

It was stated that Ace’s mother held him for 20 months (5 months before and 15 months after Roger’s execution). Since Ace’s birthday is January 1, Roger must have been executed sometime between late September and early October.

Could Vista defeat Mihawk?

As commander of the 5th division of the Whitebeard Pirates, Vista has authority over the lower-ranking subordinates. He is a very experienced veteran, as he was shown as a member of the Whitebeard Pirates from the times of Gol D. Roger. He is one of the strongest members of the Whitebeard Pirates, as shown by his position as the 5th division commander. Since he was the one individual Marco specifically commanded and entrusted to protect Luffy from Mihawk, he is also likely the strongest swordsman of the Whitebeard Pirates; this was also stated in a filler scene by Mihawk himself.

He has incredible strength and reflexes and is also able to move very fast since he immediately backed up Luffy against Dracule Mihawk. He was capable of deflecting an attack from an axe-wielding giant, as well as easily slice down cannonballs in midair.

Another indication of his strength is that during the Battle of Marineford, despite having fought against individualShichibukai and admiral members as well as numerous Marine officers, he sustained no significant injuries.

Jack is Alive Underwater. Is he a Fishman?

Jack is shown lying motionless on the ocean floor, waiting for his crew to come and rescue him after being defeated by Zunisha the giant elephant. His mask is broken and his shark-like teeth (resembling Arlong and Hodi – the shark fishmen) is revealed. However, unlike other devil fruit users, he does not pass out or have any difficulty breathing in the ocean.

So, is Jack who happens to be a Zoan type devil fruit user also a fishman, or is there any other possibility as to how he can survive for so long under water?

Straw Hat Pirates/Recruitment Process

  • First, a situation arises where someone new is needed. The crew comes across someone who fulfills the criteria (i.e. Chopper the doctor, Nami the navigator, Franky the shipwright, Sanji the cook etc.). Luffy offers the person a position, and is usually turned down initially (which usually causes Luffy to comically “refuse this refusal”).
  • Meanwhile, a situation arises where, some way or another, Luffy ends up battling a ‘boss’ character, and the would-be crew mate battles an underling (i.e. Luffy vs Don Krieg after Sanji battles Gin and Pearl). The would-be crewmate typically defeats one of the villain’s henchmen, or otherwise plays a crucial role in the Straw Hats’ victory (for example, Brook defeats Tararan and reveals the zombies’ weakness, despite losing to Ryuma).
  • During the arc in which the new crewmate is introduced their backstory and dreams are revealed, (although Nami and Robin’s back stories were revealed later) thus convincing them to join the Straw Hat Crew.
  • Meanwhile, Luffy’s current crew would assist him in battling various enemies generally in rank of abilities and overall strength which is matched by whoever they are battling (i.e. Zoro vs Kaku, Sanji vs Jabra, Chopper vs Kumadori, Nami vs Kalifa), the enemies fought also have similar fighting styles (Zoro vs Hachi who are both swordsman, Sanji vs Kuroobi who are both melee fighting experts, and Usopp vs Chew who are both ranged weaponry experts), this is more consistent when it concerns Sanji and Zoro.

This process also led many fans to think Vivi would become a permanent crew member.

The only crew members not to follow this process were the female members, Nami and Robin, both of whom never helped fight an enemy during their joining and had their backstories fully revealed later on, despite initially being hinted at. Nami’s official recruitment was when Luffy, Zoro, Usopp and Sanji defeated Arlong and his pirates. Robin was the first to initially willingly join, and officially joined after Luffy’s crew came to her rescue from CP9.

After the Straw Hats arrived on the Grand Line all the people that Luffy recruited have been abnormal people.

Hardest character to draw for Oda

D: One Piece has incredibly many characters, but please tell us which character is the most difficult to draw for you. P.N. Noel

O: Let’s see–. Franky Shogun is a pretty big pain in the ass to draw. I love designing robots and all, but redrawing them over and over isn’t really a forte of mine. But that’s robot talk. If we were to talk about just humans, I’d say women take longer to draw than men for me. Especially black-haired women. For black hair, there’s this process called “tsuya-beta” (negative drawing). It’s a real bugger having to color in with a brush pen whilst keeping the negatives, or the gloss, in the hair. With that said, my answer is Hancock. Knowing she had to look like the most beautiful woman in the world was the toughest part of all.

Are the Gorosei Immortal?

The Gorosei are the heads of the ruling organisation of the world in One Piece, also known as the World Government. The Gorosei are the people that directly control the Marines, Cipher Pol and are also the pact with the Shichibukai. The Gorosei generally rule the organisation that the World Nobles founded, but their position is most likely ranked under the position of the Celestial Dragons themselves, at least officially, but in reality their influence is much higher than the influence of any Celestial Dragon, and they can be seen as the true rulers of the World Government and even the world itself.

There is a certain theory that has been around for a while now and has also known many different ways of interpretation and explanation. The basic concept of the theory revolving around the Gorosei, is that there is a possibility that they are immortal or at least have an incredibly long lifespan that could potentially date back to even the Void Century.
The believers of this theory usually see the Gorosei as the people who were there when the World Government formed and took control of the world, and they have likely been in command of the organisation for all these centuries. Because of this, it is likely that they might serve as the final antagonist of the series, due to their mysterious and likely dark past during the events of the Void Century which has ties to many aspects of the series.

While there is hardly any evidence for this specific theory, there is one thing that many fans take as the prime piece of evidence. During Robin’s flashback of the destruction of Ohara, the Gorosei are briefly shown during the whole ordeal. During their appearance, they seem to have the exact same appearance that they have in the current storyline. Although their appearance is the same and they don’t seem to have aged at all during this period of time, the events of the Ohara flashback and the current storyline are 20 years apart. Because of this, there is a lot of confusion and discussion about the aging process of the Gorosei and the possibility that they could be immortal.

Another bit of evidence that can be regarded as minor when comparing it to the previous bit, is the fact that the Gorosei seem to have exact knowledge of what happened in the Void Century and they seem to care so much about it, that it almost seems as if It has to do with them personally. We know that the World Government wants to hide everything they can about the Void Century, but it does seem to effect the Gorosei to such an extreme that it becomes a bit suspicious.

There are several rumoured causes for a possible immortality concept surrounding the Gorosei. Some say that it has something to do with the ‘National Treasure’ of Mariejois that Doflamingo hinted at. It is possible that there is something in Mariejois that can be regarded as something incredibly rare that only the World Nobles and the High ranking members of the World Government know about. There are people who think it could be something like a devil fruit tree, or an ancient weapon, or maybe even something else. These causes often have their own theories so it is too much to explain in detail right now, but we might get back to those options in the nearby future.

Another possibility is the use of the Ope Ope no Mi that Law currently possesses. Although this theory needs some other factors to be very coincidentally beneficial for the Gorosei, it is definitely possible. It could be that every single member of the Gorosei has underwent the perpetual youth surgery that the user of the Ope Ope no Mi can perform. To perform this surgery, the user of the fruit has to give his or her life. Because of this, the fruit will disappear and reappear somewhere around the world every time this surgery is performed, so in order for all a member of the Gorosei to be subject to this surgery, they had to track down the fruit and train a person well enough with the devil fruit and then convince or force the user to give up his own life, unless they found a way to keep the fruit user alive or resurrect the user after each surgery. This process would need to be repeated until all members of the Gorosei had undergone the perpetual youth surgery.

If the Gorosei are actually immortal, it would enhance the whole storyline revolving around the events of the Void Century. If the Gorosei are the actual people responsible for the rumoured horrible events of the Void Century, the war against the Great Kingdom, and the formation of the world-ruling organisation called the World Government, they would enhance the acts of revenge and anger that might result from the finding of the ‘One Piece’ and the Rio Poneglyph.

If this theory is true, it would make a possible final war against the World Government and their leaders a more personal matter because they would be directly fighting the perpetrators of the events of the Void Century, instead of fighting the descendants and successors of the people who committed these acts. This would change this possible final war from a war to restore balance and true justice and peace to the world, to a war with that exact purpose but in addition, it would also be a war of revenge and punishment.

Theory by S.

Eiichiro Oda’s interview on drawing characters

Q: How did you decide on the characters’ positioning in the drawing?
A: First I drew Luffy, then I thought about who I’d have Chopper wave at, so I drew Nami, and well, after I drew Nami, Sanji just had to rush in, and then I also had to draw Zoro and Usopp. That was basically my train of thought while drawing, and [the characters] just keep on appearing like that. This is how I always draw, I jot down what comes to me.

Q: So when do you decide on your color scheme? When you’re inking?
A: Not at all. It comes to me while I’m painting. I only want to draw things I think of at the moment that I’m drawing or painting (laughs). This time around, I first decided on colors I wanted to draw, then I only put in the colors I knew I wanted, and from that point on I just added more and more colors. Because I can see the overall layout of the drawing, I’d say I generally color along with the characters, depending on their particular situation…

Q: Why did you color in multiple layers?
A: Copic is a drawing material that, even if you add one layer and think it looks good, when it gets printed in Jump, it comes out very, very uneven. So if you don’t add a second layer it’ll be hard to look at once printed in the magazine.

Q: And why do you use colored pencils?
A: They’re the ones that are easiest to use and I have used them for many years. I used to use white-out way back when, but then I found out that colored pencils can also be used on top of the copic ink, so yeah. Well, there’s colored pencils that can be used to draw on top of the copic ink, and others that cannot be used in that way. I found [a brand] that does work, so I use those from time to time. It’s a useful tool to use when you want to add in some light highlights [to your drawing].

How can Nami hurt Luffy so much?

D: Blows shouldn’t hurt Luffy, so why does he get bruises and swelling when Nami and the others beat the crap out of him?! Tell me!!!

Episode 215


Episode 316


Episode 572


O: When the crew beats up on each other, it’s always in admonishment with a strong sense of purpose, which is why it works so well!! It works on his spirit!! I bet Nami is thinking, “It’s his spirit that hurts deep down!!” …right? I guess not.


D: Luffy’s haoshoku haki was able to affect 50,000 men, but how many would Shanks and the others be able to defeat? P.N. Captain Nobuo

O: In exactly the same place and exact same situation as Luffy, Shanks or Rayleigh may have been capable of knocking out all 100,000. In a different setting, you can’t really compare just by asking “how many people”. Being able to knock an enemy out with haki depends entirely on having an overwhelming power gap between the two. In Luffy’s case the point is the number of people that were so weak that they were not even worth him fighting. If there were 100,000 to-some-extent-strong-willed pirates before him, it’s possible that he wouldn’t even be able to knock out a single one. On a related note, as one’s proficiency with haoshoku advances, it’s even possible to target a few people in a crowd to NOT knock out.

Blackbeard and The Will Of D.

Blackbeard, like others who carry the Will of the D., has a strong belief in fate and the dreams of men, but unlike the others, is the only one who truly seems to take it to heart. He shares several attributes he also shares with others who carry either Will or Blood of D., including having a voracious appetite, carefree attitude, competitive and reckless nature, persevering no matter what happens, and huge ambitions to follow his dream of finding One Piece and become the new King of the Pirates.

Perhaps because of his strong belief in fate, Blackbeard is highly amoral. He believes that there is no inherent “good” nor “evil” in the world. He fears death whereas other D. carriers embrace it if it comes, and was willing to betray his own friends for power. Just before his death, Whitebeard noted that Teach was not the one Roger had been waiting for and dismissed Teach as being incapable of continuing Roger’s legacy.