Observation Haki, also known as Mantra on Skypiea, is a form of Haki that allows the user to sense the presence of others, even if they are concealed from view or too far to see naturally

The user can also use this Haki to predict an opponent’s moves shortly before they make them, thereby making the attack much easier to evade with enough skill. This prediction appears to the user as an image or brief “premonition” of what the opponent will do in the user’s mind’s eye.

After last chapter, we discovered that Katakuri has trained his observation haki so much that he can see a bit into the future.

However considereing the plethora of strong characters we’ve already seen so far, it’s safe to assume that Oda already showed us more of this power.

1/. Gold Roger:

Throught the story, it has been stated multiple times that Roger and his crew were waiting for a certain person to continue their mission.

Shanks even went as far as to give his arm and his captain’s straw hat to Luffy because he believed he was the one.

At this point it seems as if Roger planned his death and informed his crew about the person he was waiting for, knowing that that that person would need his help.

Couldn’t then Roger, who was arguably the strongest character shown in One Piece have seen more than a few moments in the future?

2/. Momonosuke:

Contrarily to Roger, Momonosuke isn’t someone who could have trained his Haki enough to surpass the likes of Katakuri.

However, as shown with his ability to control Zunisha, he is clearly born with great spiritual power.

It is to note that Momonosuke wasn’t the first character able to use Haki without training. In Skypeia, the little girl Aisa was shown to be able to use Mantra (observation Haki) since birth.

So what does this have to do with observation Haki? Back in Zou, the crew and the Minks talk about Roger and Momonosuke mentions that he’s met him before. Everyone brushed this off as a lie in the moment for fun.

Could’ve Momonosuke had a vision of meeting Roger? That doesn’t seem very likely at first, as observation Haki enables its user to look into the future and not the past.
However after further thinking, like Oden with Roger, Momonosuke could very well accompany Luffy to Rafter and somehow meet a version of the pirate king there.

3/. Madam Shyarly:

Madam Shyarly is a mermaid, who’s also a fortune teller. At the age of four she made a prediction about the coming of the Great Age of Pirates and many pirates indeed came to the island one year later.

At some point, she listened to Hatchan’s story about Silvers Ryleigh. Before the Whitebeard War, Shyarly predicted Whitebeard’s death and he indeed met his end.

Like Aisa and Momonosuke, Shyarly could also be one of those innate Haki users.

4/. Honorable mentions:

– The Great Kingdom: The Great Kingdom was said to be an extremely powerul kingdom. Not only were they in control of the three ancient weapons, but they also had the power to sentence a creature like Zunisha to walk for eternity.
It would be safe to assume that they had powers far exeeding those of the current One Piece world.
Could they then have predicted their own inevitable downfall and create the poneglyphs for that reason?

– Monkey D. Dragon: It is said that Dragon was always a step ahead of the world Government.
Is that due to his observation haki? Did he predict Luffy being in danger both in Logetown and in Saboandy? Did he foresee Blackbeard attacking Baltigo?

*Theory by District


Several points that make me think that Shanks is the Yonkou who owns Elbaf’s island.

In this theory, I will claim the points that make me think that the protector of the island of Elbaf is currently the Yonko Shanks.


I – New World Territories Functioning

Elbaf is the island of the Giants species in the New World.

The islands of the NW we saw till now are :
– Fishmen Island, under the protection of Big Mom (previously White Beard).
– Punk Hazard, under the protection of Caesar Clown, linked with 2 Yonkos and with Doflamingo (previously it was owned by the WG).
– Dressrosa, under the protection of Doflamingo, now under Luffy’s.
– Zou, independant island but led by Nekomamushi and Inuarashi, former pirates of WB and Roger.
– Totto Land, under the protection of Big Mom.
– Wano, controlled by Kaido who took it by force.


In the New World, most of the territories are owned by the Yonkos.
Elbaf is foreshadowed since a long time, and the Straw Hats will go there for sure.
But it’s hard to tell how this island works, who owns it. I believe the most evident Yonkou candidate for this is Shanks.

II – Viking’s Thematic

So, basically it’s pretty obvious that the Giants of One Piece are inspired by the Norse barbaric explorers : the Vikings and their mythology.

Gungnir is the spear of the god Odin, chief of the Norse Pantheon.

The epithet of Shanks is “Red Haired Shanks”.
First, his inspiration comes from “Calico” Rackam Jack, famous pirate which the flag inspired Shanks flag for the Red-Haired Pirates.

Calico Jack

But also, Shanks is isnpired after Erik the Red, a Norwegian Viking.

The “classic” ship of the Viking is called a Drekar. The bow with a shape of dragon.
It’s basically what Shanks possess : the Red Force.


Also, look at the ship and the flag of the original Giants Pirates crew :

Lastly about this, I’ve found from some french theory I will link at the end this connection :
Shanks is also inspired after the god Týr, associated with law and heroïc glory in Norse Mythology.

Tyr is a one-arm character who sacrificied his arm to the monstruous Wolf Fenrir.

Remember the Sea King and Shanks sacrifice ?

III – Similar view with the Giants

Shanks showed since the very beginning the “spirit” of One Piece, about freedom, adventure, pirate’s life and honor values.



Shanks is someone who respects what he says and had honor values. He’s brave and respectful. He likes to fight, act, travel, make parties and enjoy time.
He is a proper “good” pirate.


Something what the giants do share.

Sometimes, the Elbaf’s giants were depicted as “barbaric” but this was the point of view of Jaguar D. Saul, from the Navy who understood the real barbary because of the World Government decision.

But, from Usopp perspective and Elbaf’s giants themselves, they look like good people.

Shanks is a man who trusts in dreams, avdentures and will. He’s the symbol of the conquest and the wish.
IMO, the Giants from Elbaf share the same feeling about life.

IV – Usopp and Yasopp’s connection to the Giants.

Yasopp is one of the top fighters of Shanks, he’s a trusted man in the Shank’s crew and took the choice in his life to go to adventure and flee from his life with his wife and his son.

I believe the Usopp’s fascination for the Giants and the aventure’s desire comes from his father.


I believe Usopp will meet his father in “his” arc : Elbaf’s arc.
As Sanji is meeting his Father Jajji in the WCI arc which his the “Sanji’s arc”. I think it will be the same for our sniper.

V – Foreshadowings or entries for “Shanks during Elbaf”

Look again at the Shanks’s flag and scar.
It clearly looks like the original symbols and flags of pirates in pop-culture and history.

Does this one-eye thing about Hajrudin at the end of Dressrosa could be a foreshadowing that Shanks will have a big role during Elbaf’s arc ?

Also, in chapter 802, we saw Buggy the Clown, who becames Shichibukai and owns the “Pirate Dispatch”.
He had under his “wings” the crew of the New Giants Pirates led by Hajrudin.

Buggy and Shanks have a lot of history in common, they are kind of “good” friends.

What if they will be present together during Elbaf’s arc since Buggy has ties with the Giants …?

VI – 4 Yonko Saga Order

We are currently in the “4 Yonko Saga” since the WCI arc started.

That means it’s really likely to have an arc for each Yonko.

We are right now with Big Mom.
Next one is obviously Kaido in Wano.
This leaves Blackbeard and Shanks, and Blackbeard will be the last pirate boss for Luffy, after BB probably kills Shanks.

And we know, Elbaf will appear for sure. So, Shanks crew in Elbaf could be the best shot! Quite logical and likely.

Conclusion :
Shanks is the owner of Elbaf and we’ll see him and his crew meeting Luffy’s crew during Elbaf’s arc.

That’s all.
Thank you for reading. :>

Theory by Zero Zero No Mi


Baltigo being destroyed was planned

Let’s start with how did Burgess get on Baltigo in the first place…While being almost completely unconscious Burgess stowed away on a ship’s hull.
Now to start with a ship’s hull is inside the ship, usually where you store supplies and things.

Considering the fact that it was most likely Sabo’s ship (who definitely has CoO and would notice if Burgess was on his ship) and the fact that we know the Revolutionaries took the weapons from Dressrosa (which you would store in the hull)No one noticed him?
I find it extremely hard to believe a half-dead man could completely hide himself inside a revolutionary ship (who are probably the most paranoid and cautious people in the world).
Then just sneak off the ship and hide behind some rocks and no one would notice him.
Remember he was barely holding onto consciousness, it’s not like he could just run off the ship when no one was looking.

I think Dragon purposefully brought Burgess to Baltigo knowing it would bring Blackbeard himself, now here’s where I’m going to get into another theory I have…
That Aokiji is a revolutionary.“Based on intel from an unidentified individual, they were able to locate the revolutionaries headquarters”
We know the only people who knew where Baltigo was, were the Blackbeard Pirates following a Vivre Card, and they arrived first, seeming how Aokiji is allied with Blackbeard, I can make the following assumptions on how the Marines got the intel. (since I doubt Blackbeard told them)
A. Aokiji was told by Dragon to tip off the Marines
B. Dragon was the one who tipped off the Marines
Since no one but the Revolutionaries and Blackbeard knew where Baltigo was…
I mean NO ONE could find this place for years and the second Blackbeard found it, the Marines and Cipher Pol happen to show up too? Way too unlikely.

Now why would Dragon want his headquarters destroyed?
Well… for one the Reverie is coming up…
and based off the assumption Dragon did know that Blackbeard and Marines were comingNotice how he doesn’t say where to gather them… further speculation he knew Baltigo’s fate.

We know Blackbeard Pirates arrived first since they apparently had “destroyed the place”
by the time the marines showed up.

So my theory is Dragon set up the headquarters destruction, to make the Cipher Pol’s think that the Revolutionaries are hurting/trying to recover/possibly destroyed/etc. (causing them to possibly lower there guard) since all they saw was a destroyed Baltigo.
While in secret, Dragon is actually gathering all his military strength and is going to make an appearance at the Reverie.
Thanks for reading, let me know what you think!

*Theory by godenel


A unique system consisting of the 8 most powerful Vice Admirals

It has been established that ever since Akainu overtook the Marines, he has been constantly increasing its power in order to compensate for the gap of Aokiji’s resignation


The Military Draft for instance is one of the improvements applied by Akainu by which many marines including new Vice Admirals and 2 very powerful individuals, Fujitoria and Ryokugyu, were recruited.

But even so, with all this new power, the Marines will strive for more unforeseen power.
There is something many fans and I have noticed with the marines which is the vast difference in level between a Vice Admiral and an Admiral, between Smoker for instance and Kizaru.

I predict the rise of a new unique unit which will be limited to the most powerful Vice Admirals, individuals on the same level of power as the Admirals themselves, but when??

The very reason the Marines needed to improve was due to the stepping down of Sengoku and Garp and the retirement of Aokiji. Once the Shichibukai’s might is lost, the might of 7 incredibly powerful pirates, their respective influences, kingdoms or crews, the World Government and Marines will surely need to fill in the gap with a greater and superior force.
But why have I chosen specifically the 8 most powerful Vice Admirals and specified their level to be on par with the Admirals for this?:
After the timeskip we realize a new pattern in the epithets of the Admirals:
Sakazuki the Red Dog (Akainu), Borsalino the Yellow Monkey (Kizaru), Issho the Purple Tiger (Fujitoria) and finally Green Bull (Ryokugyu). Dog, Monkey, Tiger and Bull are all part of the 12 Zodiac Animals.


If your not convinced yet then listen to this:

Gion and Tokikake are 2 Vice Admirals mentioned by Oda in an SBS. He said that both these characters were candidates for the vacant Admiral positions but did not make the cuts because Fujitoria and Ryokugyu were the ones chosen. The interesting thing is that their epithets are Pink Rabbit (Momousagi) and Brown Pig (Chaton) respectively. Both Pig and Rabbit are part of the 12 Zodiac Animals. With 6 of the 12 Zodiac Animals present this can not be a coincidence.

Remember how I said that the massive difference in level between Vice Admirals and Admirals was realized. The fact that Momousagi and Chaton were candidates for the Admiral position completely suggests that these 2 characters are on the power level of the other Admirals but may have been slightly weaker then Fujitoria and Ryokugyu who beat them to the spot. So what’s stopping 6 more Vice Admirals from having similar power?


Admirals: Dog (Akainu), Monkey (Kizaru), Tiger (Fujitoria), Ox/Bull (Ryokugyu)
Elite Vice Admirals: Rabbit (Momousagi), Pig (Chaton). The remaining 6 are: Rat, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat and Rooster

Elite Vice Admirals is a unique system that will fill in the gap of the loss of the Shichibukai System. The positions are given to the 8 most incredibly powerful Vice Admirals who are almost as powerful as the Admirals and are on their same level of power. The epithet of each of these 8 consists of a color and one of the 12 Zodiac Animals identical to the pattern of the epithets of the Admirals. As the name “Elite” suggests, all 8 are given higher authority than all other Vice Admirals and will have unique roles in the Marine system.

*Theory by Moey Krimz


Hello guys, today I’m discussing, if Big Mom goes down in this arc or not.

There are several reasons that have been brought up, which lead us to the believe that she’ll go down.

1) If she doesn’t go down, Zeff and all the people associated to the SHs will be in danger since Big Mom won’t forgive them ruining her tea party. We saw what she did to the one broker who missed her last tea party (and he even had a good reason): she sent him his dad’s head in a box. Now imagine her rage after Luffy & Co. completely wreck her party.

2) Kaido mentioning that “they only thing they’ve done is beating a shichibukai or two”. Kaido doesn’t take them seriously. Now, what would make him take them seriously? If Luffy & Co. manage to bring down an actual Yonkou, of course.

3) The time left in OP. If we take Oda’s comments seriously, that OP is already 70% done and look at the time left, it would be hard to fit in a second Big Mom arc.

Having said all of this, I still strongly believe that Big Mom won’t go down in this arc and there are strong arguments backing this claim up:

1) Do you remember the fights against all the other “big enemies”? Crocodile, Enel, Lucci, Doflamingo…they have one thing in common: It always took multiple tries and fights to bring them down and starting from the first encounter/skirmish it was still a very long time until they were defeated. It was nearly 40 chapters each time, to be exact.
Now we can safely assume that there aren’t more than 15-20 chapters left on WCI (since the editor said so) and Luffy hasn’t even met Big Mom face to face.

2) Big Mom is a Yonkou. One of the most important, most hyped and most powerful fighters in the entire OP universe. If you look at argument 1) above, you see that it took much longer to bring vastly inferior opponents down. There is no way that Oda dehypes one of his greatest and most hyped creations in letting her get defeated in less than 20 chapters. She isn’t even injured or weakened yet. A Yonkou isn’t going down in 15 chapters, when she hasn’t even fought yet.

3) We only have half of the crew on WCI. Again, Oda won’t let such an important event like the downfall of Big Mom happen, when half of the crew isn’t even there. It would be anticlimatic and it would massively dehype the Yonkou, including Kaido. Imagine Luffy & Co. arriving at Wano and telling the rest that they just brought down a Yonkou. This would kill almost all the suspense and make the downfall of a Yonkou seem random. Oda wants to show how dangerous they are and showing how strong Big Mom is also hypes Kaido even more.

Now, do I know how Oda will resolve the problems a pissed-off Big Mom will present? No, I don’t have an answer for this. I’m sure however, that Oda will come up with something very clever. There’s one thing I know, however: Big Mom won’t go down in this arc.

*Theory by dirtyLarry


I just have thought that the Wedding will be destroyed not only by Straw Hats, Fire Tank Pirates and Vinsomke Family, there is also:
THE BUSTER CALL!It is possible that the Vinsmoke Family has a Golden Den Den Mushi, and Reiju might have activated the Den Den to call the Marine to attack Whole Cake Island during the Wedding.
So the Marine along with the Vice Admiral, the Giant Squad, and one of the Warlords will come and take out the Big Mom Pirates and the Underworld Brokers/Emperors.

Last, this Buster Call might help the Straw Hats to escape while Big Mom Pirates face them.

What do you guys think?

*Theory by Awaken Fruit


As the title implies, this theory is about the truth of Big Mom’s giant body. Yep, i also believe that Big Mom is not a giant but an ordinary human, for the same reason of her not having a giant child.

So how did Big Mom become so big?

By using her df power, soul absorption. The souls she absorbed will be stored inside her body and after absorbing a huge amount of souls will surely make her body grow

Now this perfectly match Sanji and Capone’s descriptions to her as a “Balloon”.

And another thing, Big Mom having souls inside her body is actually quite similar to what Moriah did in Thriller Barc
[​IMG]Moriah inserted multiple shadows inside his body which also made him grew big. But unlike Moriah, Big Mom can manage to store the souls inside her in a long period of time or as long as she is capable of controlling those souls. But controlling those needs a huge amount of Big Mom’s energy. And to provide the necessary energy needed in controlling the souls, Big Mom needs to EAT. Yup, this is the reason of Big Mom’s insatiable hunger.[​IMG]

And not being able to satisfy her hunger is causing her frequent rage fit where she’s even capable of killing her own son.

But why would Big Mom go such measures just to controll the souls inside her body? There are 2 reasons

1. It is her dream to become a giant. Big Mom was always fascinated by different kinds of things, but the one who fascinated her the most are giants. That’s why she ask Caesar to create a drug to make her family a giant.

2. To use it as a power source. I think Big Mom is capable of converting the souls inside her body to an energy capable of powering her. Let’s call it as a “Soul Converted Energy

There is actually another one who can do the Soul Absorption and Soul Convertion and used it as a Soul Converted Energy. It’s no other than Soul King

Yup, i believe Brook can also use soul absorption but only limited in souls in the surroundings and non living things or things that has been infused by human soul. Now those souls that he absorbed had been converted to an energy (example of Soul converted energy is his ice technique) and used it to attack Zeus, Prometheus and Napoleon giving them a rare wound.

Now let’s talk about Big Mom’s tough body and the weird voice that she produces which i believe was also caused by her df ability.

Big Mom’s Body – Capone describe it as an iron balloon.[​IMG]

I believe this is also due to the souls inside Big Mom’s body. She converted it to a type of energy and used it to strengthen her physical body making it so tough.

Now, why will Big Mom’s body weaken after experiencing an extreme emotional shock? I think it’s because her control over the souls will weaken. As i mentioned above, controlling the souls inside her body is taking too much of her own energy. So an extreme emotional shock will probably make her lose control over the souls

Big Mom’s Voice – Big mom also produces that alien like voice after an emotional shock

[​IMG]I think this is also caused by her losing control over the soul inside her body. While she is losing control over the souls, maybe some of it where unconsciously used by her as a soul energy, fusing it with her voice and conquerors haki.

*Theory by jinz


Was Dragon part of Gol D. Roger’s crew?

I was rereading some chapters and came across the EDD War with Shiki and Roger. Roger was demanded by Shiki to join his fleet to take over the WG. Roger of course rejected the offer and his crew was severely outmatched by Shiki’s Armada yet, Gold D. Roger and his crew came out of the battle with ease. In one of the panel it stated that luck was on Roger’s side and a HUGE storm erupted in Roger’s favor. Too much of a coincidence in my opinion.

Have you guys noticed MOST of the time Dragon is featured in the story, there’s always a storm? I know there are theories stating that Dragon has a DF that can control/manipulate weather or storms. If so, could Dragon have created the storm in order to demolish most of Shiki’s Armada in order to gain an advantage during the battle? What are your thoughts?

*Theory by Siegejaypark


In chapter 859, Luffy is very excited to make his entrance on Big Mom’s Tea Party, even though it’s very dangerous and his crew mates are against it he accepted the role that Capone gave to him.

My idea on how Luffy will make his super cool entrance is to use the huge cake of Big Mom that she really likes.

You guys probably know the Giant Pop Out Cake or Surprise Cake. Giant pop out cake is made to serve as a surprise in celebratory occasions.

The plan of Bege-Caesar-Straw Hat alliance to assassinate Mama is to first drop the photo of mother Caramel to make her weak for 5 seconds but imagine if Luffy drops the photo of Caramel and also destroy the wedding cake which Big Mom really likes, she’ll probably get weaker two times because two of the things that she really loved destroyed at the same time at the same event which she thought is her happiest day.

*Theory by Fire_Fist_Recca


[IMG]There are 4 potential people who could end up fighting Sakazuki- Dragon, Blackbeard, Sabo, and Luffy. Blackbeard, Sabo, and Luffy will fight Akainu in future in different time.

Dragon: Sakazuki is kind of infatuated with Dragon. The only reason he pursued to finish off Luffy in Marineford was the very fact that he was Monkey D. Dragon’s son though you can argue that Luffy’s gust of King’s Haki played a role, regardless being Dragon’s son played the most significant role in his judgment. This only intimates that they have a history though we are in a total dark regarding the possible contentions between them, but who knows Dragon may have betrayed Marines/World Government while pretending faithful to Sakazuki the whole time and it may have scared him to such extent that he began to loathe Dragon to his very core.

Blackbeard: He is a very ambitious man and in order to establish his clout in the One Piece world he has to show some kind of exploitation. Though he got to the epithet of Yonko after beating remnants of Whitebeard pirates including all the commanders except for Ace, but that doesn’t tantamount to the league of other Yonkos. Whitebeard was the lone wolf of his crew. Compared to other right-hand men of other Yonkos, Whitebeard’s right hand man, if he had any- Marco, is inferior. Someone inferred that Kaido was the righthand man of former Whitebeard crew and that is why he is so much attached to Whitebeard. So no way Marco is on par with Ben Beckmann or other right hand men of the Yonko except for Blackbeard crew. Moreover, when Shanks met Whitebeard he talked to Marco as if he was not that much familiar with him, he said: “you are first division commander Marco, aren’t you? Will you join my crew?” If Marco was with Whitebeard for a long time Shanks wouldn’t have talked like that, moreover, it could be Marco was not that strong but when he found Phoenix Devil Fruit he gradually became strong, and Whitebeard took him in from a difficult situation and let him stay in his Mobydick and we have Ace’s flashback of this scenario when Ace asked him that why they call Whitebeard as Oldman?

Anyway, Blackbeard have to show some exploit to the world in order to let the people think that he is more of a big shot than his current status and invading Baltigo was the fruition of that thought. In in the end he is gonna challenge Marine and Akainu. When he was fleeing to the New World with his newly recruited crew, he saw Akainu coming but he didn’t go for a clash even though he had the entire crew with him though he was showing off in Marinford and proclaiming himself as the strongest man alive; when he saw Akainu he said: “we are not ready yet to fight him,” Which means he has planed to fight him eventually.

Sabo: Ace fought Akainu for Whitebeard’s honor and eventually sacrificed his life for his little brother- Luffy. Sabo could fight Akainu in order to save Luffy, however, this time he wouldn’t die though he could get injured and they could both be injured, and with this fight he would avenge Ace by saying: “You logia Devil Fruit user suck a Haki, just because you have a superior Devil Fruit you get cocky,” and finally dealing a very deadly blow. Though after the fight Akainu will get recuperated soon due to some hax technology or from a potent healer.

Luffy: After defeating Blackbeard and attaining One Piece, Luffy will declare war on the World Government which Whitebeard predicted and of what the World Government was scared. In this fight Luffy will fight Akainu to settle the score of the Marineford and defeat him and injure him to the point where Akainu would get severely injured to point of paralysis.

*Theory by Samara Jordan