What we know about haki right now is literally just the basics. Basics of Observation Armament and Conquerors. As we go along we learn a little more about it. I think there’s going to be a next step in haki involving elements. I’d say there’s been foreshadowing but really that’d be underselling it this is rock solid evidence. Allow me to give examples of Elemental control seen in the story.

Luffy’s red hawk

There’s Sabo’s Dragon Fist Breath.

The New World pirate Mcguy.

Brook’s ice attacks

So basically we’ve seen multiple characters use elements in their attacks. Sabo who had no devilfruit seemingly used the force of his haki or wind to destroy the coliseum ring. The move ended with the word “Breath” tho which makes me think Sabo created wind.

Luffy’s Red Hawk is my biggest example for this theory. With just the addition of haki he was able to use fire literally out of no where and it’s clearly not from just the Armament because if so Luffy would always be on fire when his Armament is up. I believe fighters can master a form of nature with haki. Different fighters have different elements that are a representation of that persons spirit or personality. Then you “will” that element into existence because that’s all haki is will power or your spirits power same thing. Luffy made fire under water so he clearly willed that flame into existence.

We’ve seen Mcguy use lightning and we know he doesn’t have the lightning devilfruit I guess he could be half Mink lol. Luffy’s fire,Sanji’s fire, Sabo’s wind and even Zoro used fire against Ryuma. So there’s loads of people in the story using Elemental powers with no explanation like at all.

This being a next step in haki would answer so many questions. As well as add new ones like what determines your element? I believe Sabo’s may have became wind because of Dragon. Possibly Dragon trained him to use wind with his haki. The 2nd question would be can you learn more than 1 element.

What’s even weirder about this element theory is that the monster trio all have fire as their current element. Maybe people with similar spirits have an affinity towards the same element. Maybe being around people with the same element just has it rub off on you who knows? Well Oda knows but he’s stingy with sharing info. Maybe you can have more than one element too but we’ll have to see about that.

This being the next step in haki would answer a lot of questions. It’d allow us to know about how these attacks work. As well as give us more powers to look forward to seeing the SHs master.

*Theory by RomanceDawn

How Kid lost his arm during timeskip – Theory

As we know Kid losing his arm post time skip remains a mystery. I think I have a theory on how he may have lost it.

We know Kid early on attacked Big Mom’s ships and later actually came into Big Mom’s territory only to be forcefully removed. So much so he changed his target to Shanks. How did he manage to leave without being killed.

He was forced to spin the roulette wheel landing on the arm symbol. Probably a lucky roll when considering the alternatives.

*Theory by themitchellbrothers


I’m a huge fan of Brook. Have been so since his introduction

The tea sipping, panty seeking, suave skeletal son of a gun won me over the moment I saw him.

And the events of WCI have made pretty much all of us love him even more

But Brook remains quiet the mysterious dude. Before joining the Rumbar pirates…there’s essentially decades of life that we have no idea on. But there are a few hints here and there.

For one…he seems very politically aware(when he still had access to info of course)

And he also seems very in line with the idea of fate. He references Luffy having this kind of luck or fate multiple times throughout the story. This is just one example

Keep those two details in mind. And remember that we flat out know that Brook used to be a battle convoy leader for a certain kingdom.

Now what kingdom could this be? What kingdom could produce a man with formidable fencing capabilities? There is one other fencer that we have been introduced to.

Thats right! Its Cabbage! He was born and raised in Bourgeois kingdom

When asked in an SBS which country the SH’s would be from…Brook was said to be from Austria. This is what an Austrian Castle looks like!

So Brook was once a battle convoy leader for the Bourgeois Kingdom. Why would he give up that life and end up as a musician pirate?

It was due to his nature. He was a kind and wise soul who grew tired and traumatized after witnessing constant war. He left Bourgeois kingdom to hide from his past and went to a nearby island, Rommel Kingdom…which makes sense because this is the next Kingdom that Cavendish went to after his exile.

This kingdom seems very British doesn’t it?

When Oda released the SBS about country of origin, a lot of people complained that it made more sense for Brook to originate from England, due to his attire. The suit and tea are completely British after all! But had he stayed at Rommel Kingdom for a while…likely hiding from his past, his attire would make complete sense!

In Rommel Kingdom…he came across the Rumbar Pirates led by Yorki. A pirate who knew the true meaning behind Bink’s Sake.

Lyrics to Bink’s Sake

Yo-hohoho, Yo-hohoho
Yo-hohoho, Yo-hohoho
Yo-hohoho, Yo-hohoho
Yo-hohoho, Yo-hohoho

Going to deliver Bink’s sake
Following the sea breeze
Riding on the waves
Far across the salty depths
The merry evening sun
Painting circles in the sky
As the birds sing

Farewell to the harbor
To my old hometown
Lets all sing out with a Don
As the ship sets sail
Waves of gold and silver
Dissolve to salty spray
As we all set sail to
The ends of the sea

Going to deliver Bink’s sake
We are pirates
Sailing through the sea

The waves are our pillows
The ship, our roost
Flying the proud skull
On our flags and our sails

Now comes a storm
Through the far-off sky
Now the waves are dancing
Beat upon the drums
If you lose your nerve
This breath could be your last
But if you just hold on

The morning sun will rise

Yo-hohoho, Yo-hohoho
Yo-hohoho, Yo-hohoho
Yo-hohoho, Yo-hohoho
Yo-hohoho, Yo-hohoho

Going to deliver Bink’s sake
Today and tomorrow
Our dreams through the night
Waving our goodbyes
We’ll never meet again
But don’t look so down
For at night the moon will rise

Going to deliver Bink’s sake
Let’s all sing it with a Don
A song of the waves
Doesn’t matter who you are
Someday you’ll just be bones
Never-ending, ever-wandering
Our funny traveling tale

Yo-hohoho, Yo-hohoho
Yo-hohoho, Yo-hohoho
Yo-hohoho, Yo-hohoho
Yo-hohoho, Yo-hohoho

I’ll analyze this through each bolded phrase

Going to deliver Bink’s sake

Sharing sake with someone is a sign of peace or alliance in Japan. These people were on a mission of peace!

Lets all sing out with a Don
“Don” is the phrase that Tom used.

Living with a “Don” is just another of saying living with gusto. Living without regret and with the full force of your convictions. These people had full conviction in what they were doing!

As we all set sail to
The ends of the sea

Their journey would take them to the ends of the sea! Which is exactly what the Rumbar Pirates said.

The journey to deliver Bink’s sake would take them to the ends of the sea…the sides of the Red Line!

We are pirates
Sailing through the sea
Flying the proud skull
On our flags and our sails

These people on a mission of peace were Pirates! Who flew the jolly roger!

And we know this song is extremely old….and I hypothesize that its so old, that the people singing it were in fact the first pirates!

This breath could be your last
But if you just hold on
Someday you’ll just be bones
Never-ending, ever-wandering
Our funny traveling tale

On top of all that these pirates were such that they acknowledged death…and were happy with facing it…because someday they would be bones anyways!

So who were these pirates?
These were people who acknowledged death and were happy to face it. These were people who lived life with a “Don” and extreme conviction. What sort of people are happy when facing their own death and lived their life to the fullest?

These pirates were from the Clan of D. The first pirates…the messengers of peace..were D’s.

This is the Story of Brook

Binks Sake was a song sung by the first pirates. A group of people who accepted death and lived life with great conviction…..these people were the D Family. They flew the skull and bones not as a sign of war or intimidation…but to show to the world that they were people who accepted death and didn’t fear it at all! They embarked on their journey to share Bink’s sake with the world…they traveled to make friends with the world….they traveled to bring peace to the world. Hundreds of years later this dream was inherited by a man named Yorki.

Yorki was a man who understood the meaning of Bink’s sake and with his love of music formed the Rumbar Pirates.

A group of pirates who “make crying children smile”.

Alongside his journey he came across the retired soldier Brook in Rommel Kingdom, and grew incredibly impressed with his skills and convinced him to join. Sometime after Yorki had met Brook, Brook told him of his past.

He was born in Bourgeois Kingdom and served as leader of a battle convoy for many years…but his true passion was music. He fought and fought till he became tired of having his hands soaked with blood and upon this realization he left and traveled to Rommele Kingdom. There he tried to completely change himself and adopt their look…and went from bar to bar perfecting his musical ability….while hiding from his past and from his guilt.

After he joined Yorki’s crew….Brook changed from a soldier of war to a messenger of peace…who traveled with the Rumbar Pirates spreading joy and happiness wherever they landed. After making friends with Laboon

and entering the Grand Line, Brook was met with tragedy after tragedy. With his captain’s sickness

and his crew’s death

He himself died and came back as the living embodiment of the symbol of the first pirates….he came back as the Skull&Bones.

He then spent the next few decades alone..choosing to live because of his promise to Laboon and that of Bink’s Sake

He had his shadow stolen and was forced to remain in the Florian triangle till an eventful day brought him in contact with Monkey D. Luffy and his crew…the Strawhat Pirates. They helped him gain back his shadow and became his first friends in over 50 years of loneliness…and he came to recognize that Luffy…a man from the D clan…would be the one to complete his dream of delivering Bink’s sake.

It was his fate after all

*Theory by cardboardspectator


Analysis on Devil Fruits nature and origins, Awakening, Vinsmoke relation to them and more… 

I made this theory long time ago, and i guess it’s time to share it to see what you guys think.
Devil Fruits are quite a mystery in OP and Oda said that a certain professor (Probably Vegapunk) will explain the complex mechanism of all Devil Fruits soon.So let’s analyse some of what we know about them and try to make our own conclusions:

  • Only one bite is needed for the user to gain the power of the Devil Fruit.
  • When a DF user dies, their ability is reborn into another fruit. (The closest)
  • Object can have Devil Fruit powers through unknown method for now.
  • These objects seem to gain consciousness. (Soul/Spirit or whatever you want to call it)
  • Why fruits in particular ?! (And not any other object or even other food)

– From these points i concluded that Devil Fruits don’t contain merely just powers but it also contains some kind of a soul or spirit and they are like parasites who want to inhabit a living body however they can’t do it alone and they must be allowed (Consumed) and therefore:

  • These souls enter the consumers body as soon as he takes a single bite.
  • When a DF user dies, the soul looks for the nearest fruit to inhabit.
  • These souls explain why an object becomes alive when it consumes a DF.
  • These souls inhabit fruits because they are the fastest way to enter a body (Food/Eating) and fruits are different from most other food in the fact that they are eaten directly and don’t need cooking. (Like i said Fruits are the fastest way to enter a body)
  • Some will say that these souls can jump from food to food to faster find a consumer but i think that once they merge with a fruit they can’t leave it, probably because they are weak due to being fragments of souls and not a full soul.
  • This explains why Haki is the only counter to Devil Fruit powers since it is a spiritual force, so logically only a spirit power can counter another spirit.
  • This also explains why a person can’t eat two devil fruits since like Jabra already hinted at when he said “DFs contain devils and if someone eats two DFs those devils will fight resulting in the user’s death” (Not exactly what he said, just the idea).

– Another mystery is why can’t the same 2 Devil Fruits exist at the same time (Par example 2 Gomu Gomu No Mi users at the same time) !!! If we think about it, the only explanation is that all Devil Fruits were part of a whole (Devil Fruits contain powers and fragment of souls) meaning that there was something long time ago with all powers of Devil Fruits and then his powers were divided and his soul shattered resulting in each fragment of his soul taking a certain ability and inhabiting a fruit. (This thing was most likely called Devil explaining the name “Devil Fruits”)

– Also recently we were introduced to Lineage Factor AKA Blueprint of Life and we know that Devil Fruits effect the user by changing his Lineage Factor so my guess is that long ago, these powers were created by experiments on Lineage Factor of some creatures and nature forces.
– Germa are apparently not Devil Fruit users and yet they have certain powers like Niji’s lightning and Reiju’s Poison (Both used their abilities without the suit so it’s not the suit) meaning that it’s possible to create DF powers without a fruit.

– Like i said before these fragments of souls can also merge with any object (except living things) and this would explain DF Awakening, because we already were introduced to Armament Haki which is the power to control spiritual powers and it can be used to harden the user’s body or another object so if a DF user learns to control the additional fragment of soul he got from DF and use it the same way Armament Haki works then he would be able to effect other objects and environment (Just like Doflamingo, Diamante, Aokiji, Akainu, Crocodile and many others) this was also hinted at by Oda in Blue Deep Databook when he said that the only way to make Armament Haki more powerful is by using it with DF powers.

– In SBS Volume 7 this was mentioned:
(Reader: Why does Sanji-san’s eyebrow curl up at the end? Is it for fashion? Make it clear!!
Oda: Hey!! You there, sit down!! Now listen!! Everyone lives in circles!! The Sun, the Moon, and the Earth all spin in circles!! And!! If the Earth suddenly stopped spinning!! The planet would be covered in tidal waves!! It would be terrible!! Now remember that Sanji’s eyebrow channels that same powerful circular energy!! Reflect upon this!! You may go!!)

– We know that all Devil Fruits have swirl marks and patterns and i think based on this SBS question that it’s probably because of the energy rotation inside DFs, and if my theory proves right then it could be that Judge experimented on his kids the same way DFs were created long time ago, resulting in them having abilities (Reiju’s poison, Niji’s Lightning … etc) and most probably it explains Sanji’s abilities (Diable Jambe and covering himself in fire .. etc), this would also explain their swirling eyebrows (Which only the kids have and not their parents!)
So basically Sanji and his siblings have abilities like DFs but on a much lower level and they don’t have extra soul like Devil Fruits. (I mean their abilities want transfer when they die).

So what do you think?

*Theory by Salah Eddine Bouhank


In this theory i won’t tell you who exactly Luffy’s mother is, but i’ll try to bring out her personality.

First, let’s see “how’s family works in One Piece”.

Vinsmoke Family

So, Vinsmoke Judge wants to create a strong army using his own children and Judge had removed all of his children emotions before they were born.

But unfortunately, Sanji have emotions like his mother and expresses what he want not like Reiju (she didn’t want her brothers bullying her like they did to Sanji)

Sanji’s mother. Sanji’s personality is almost the same with his mother.. Sola was a very kind and caring woman, with great strength of character. She loved her children and was fiercely protective of them, believing that they should grow up with normal human emotions and not as cold killing machines. As a result, she did everything in her power to resist her husband’s experiments on their sons, to the point of sacrificing her own life. So Sanji inherited his personality from Sola.

Sanji’s Father. I’m not really sure in which way Sanji inherited his personality from him. I think Sanji inherited his body endurance from Judge..  but it’s so complicate to see their equation since Sanji’s power and dream are from his truly father (Zeff) :D

Reijuu. She inherited her personality a bit from her mother but she can’t express it because she’s afraid with her brothers and father.
Ichiji, Nichiji, Yonji. They didn’t inherit anything from their parents’ personality even from Judge because you can see that Judge even cries when the wedding is becoming an disaster.. that’s because Judge removed their emotions..

Sanji and Reiju personality inherited from their mother.
No one inherited personality from Judge
Sanji gets his ability and dream from Zeff

Monkey D. Dragon
Dragon looks like a truly a Leader from what we’ve seen. Revolutionary Army is doing his job carefully.. so Dragon looks clever.
His aura looks like Gol D. Roger

Monkey D. Garp
He’s supportive person
Loves his family
He’s loyal with marine (but family first)

Monkey D. LuffyDifferent with Dragon, Luffy looks stupid xD but sometimes he’s cool and clever too especially in fights..
He lives freely, he always do something reckless that could make big big trouble~ so i think he’s “Act first think later” Guy.

He’s creative (he makes fight skill spontaneously like gear 2 and 3) and he’s stubborn.

(Just a pic, not included with the theory)

Luffy is almost the same like Garp and Dragon but still.. he have different personality with them and could be that inherited from his mother like:
– always do something reckless
– stupid but funny
– creative
– stubborn
but in their family I believe Luffy’s mother have this personality too:
– Live freely (do what she;s wanted to do)
– caring her family or nakama
– not lives in regret

That’s all!

*Theory by Denref

The will of D. was revealed before the Grand Line! – Theory

This theory is so simple that you probably get mad and won’t even entertain it for a second. But I really urge you to try to be open about it and of course excuse my english. I am obviously not from an english speaking country. Most people have an idea that Enel comes back from the moon and tells us what the secrets of the world are and how the ancient kingdom came from the moon and what not. None of that will happen in this theory. So if you are someone who is fixed on that idea you will probably won’t like this. I can imagine most people will hate this theory because it truly is obvious. Maybe it sounds arrogant and it just might be, but I had this idea for like 10 years and still have not heard anybody talk about it. OK, enough for an introduction. You want to know what the will of D. is, right?

Most people would agree we should start where the story kicks off.
With Gol D. Roger. He is the answer to everything. But can it be that easy? Can it be
conceivable that Gol D. Roger told us everything we need to know to solve this puzzle in the few sentences that where shown to us? I think so.

First of all he confirms within the dialogue with WB that he knows the meaning of the initial D.

Now let us come to the monologue which I think is misunderstood by most people. Because they think this is a seperate thing. This seems like the theme of the series and not having any connection with the will of D. .

“That which cannot be stopped:

1. Inherited will,
2. a man’s dream,
3. and the flow of time

As long as man continues to seek out the answer to freedom, these things shall never be stopped.”

THIS is the will of D. .
I know most people will be disappointed now. There thought a big reveal happens, but it was so simple that most people thought it was something different.
Not only does the meaning PERFECTLY fits what the will of D. is and is reflected in EVERY character with the initial D.
There is also some coding possible.

Now what does D mean? Do you see it when you look at all 3 points he mentioned? Look closer. One word for every line and its so obvious. I think you see it now. WILL OF DREAMS!
One way to decode is to look at the 2,3&4 word of the 3 sentences. I would be very interested how the japanese version shows it. It might be even the same word in every line. For example every 1st/2nd/3rd word might make the “will of dreams”.
Lets cognitive dissonance kick in and cloud our judgement here. I know you most likely have all these ideas about the devil and the enemy of god. We come to it later(maybe not today), I promise.

Now how does this exactly explain every character that has the initial d.?
Let me be clear, EVERY character follows this way of life. All of them, ESPECIALLY Blackbeard. Some people say he doesn’t have the will of dreams. If anything he personalizes it the MOST.
Look at this panel. Here Blackbeard tells us what the will of D. is AGAIN.

HE DIRECTLY paraphrases Roger? Did he know Roger? Probably not. But he still carries the will of D. . Fullfilling your dreams and not playing by societies rules if they come in your way. Dragon, Rogue, Roger, Saul, Luffy, Ace, Law, Blackbeard and even Garp where and are all people who will no matter what follow their dream. If they follow the way of “righteousness” they won’t cause conflict because it is in his interest. But if society doesn’t allow it they still follow their dream. They all seek their own answer to freedom and the tools by which they use it are the 3 stated. By having a dream is the most obvious one. The inherited will is a theme throughout the entire episode. This is true for Luffy and for everyone. This might be the line that throws people off the most. Because it applies to pretty much every strawhat, but is this the reason why Luffy could gather his crew? That he as a D. can lead people who inherited wills on their own. Are these people attracted to him. If one D. couldn’t lead them how could it elsewise prevent people from pursuing the meaning of freedom? And of course the flow of time. Is this a reference to the void century? Maybe. But maybe its just that the D. keep on contuining as long as people pursue the meaning of freedom. Once people stop the name of D. will die. But as long as a D. lives he can keep the dream on living. For that a will has to be inherited. And for that time has to pass or the times have to change. If the times are stagnant change can’t occure. This is a little philosophical and it might just be the case that its on point. But I would even simplify it more. The only point that really matters is the 2nd one. To pursue your dream you have to be free. The will of D. was introduced pretty much directly after the quote from Gol. D. Roger so its not something that was thought up later (Dr. Kuleha mentioned Gol D. Rogers real name and the will of D. in Drum Island, which was pretty much 2 short arcs away from Whiskey Peak ~30 chapters from the quote to drum island). There is a good possibility that he just wanted to enter 2 sentences that have “will” and “of” in it. If you think of “will” a sentence like the “inherited” just might pop into your head. Right? And if you think of “of” and you have to choose something that is in pursuit of freedom a mind like Oda just come up with “and the flow of time”. Sounds random? Its not, thats exactly how these things are created. You start with a premise like the “will of D.” and throw a riddle in there that exactly explains it if you can solve it. And you throw hints throughout the story to solve that puzzle. This is a basic way of creating a mystery.

I have more angles and proof but I think this is something the community has to think about. I could go on how every D. personifies it within the story but most of you can come up with that on your own. This community produced some great theories that in the end just came true.

You can see this as a first step into a bigger step. The next thing that I am aiming for is to connect this to the void century and end it by explaining what df’s really are and of course what the legendary weapons are. And why sea stone drains the power of df users? Is that a hint of what grants them their power?

If you read up until this point thanks for your attention and I hope I gave you an angle that you didn’t thought about before. Hell, maybe this theory is very common and I just haven’t seen it yet and I am making a buffoon of myself.

Well, take care!

*Theory by Donal D. Trump


This is a dissection of the Yomi Yomi no Mi. The point of this dissection is to theorize a possible awakening, or power up for Brooks DF.

I believe that upon awakening Brook will unlock the “Master Exploder” technique.
Or more accurately a DF implosion technique…

The Yomi Yomi no Mi is different than all other shown DF on OP. It’s the only known DF that has a timing restraint. Meaning after eating it, it only made the user experience DF weaknesses, but didn’t grant the user any powers until they died.

Upon dying the user is reborn in a FREE moving spirit form. Untill it finds its original body (or another host presumably). The tragedy of Brook was he lost his original body and by the time he found it, it was just bones. Hence the sentient skeleton.

Aside from the skeletal body, the DF has granted brook other abilities such as, musical soul manipulation or hypnosis. Access to sword abilities that create cold as a byproduct of the underworld. And a soul form for recon.
The soul form and original stipulation of the DF will be the basis of this awakening speculation…
When Brook currently uses his soul form, he is always shown being tethered to his corporeal body.

It’s my belief that upon awakening or mastering this technique, he will be able to break this tether, and exist entirety In a soul form. Just like after Brook died and he was held in spirit form till he found his body (or any host assuambly)

I also believe that Brook will gain the ability to posses other people, creature, or objects. By forcing his soul into the object or person. Like he did on his body…

So how does this technique grant a power up, or make him the “Master Exploder”?

Well it’s simple. Unlike most popular assumption that DF abilities reside in the heart of the user. (BB ate WB heart, BM consumed Carmel’s heart or body whole) umm.. Brook has no heart.. So that theory kinda debunked…

And when his soul leaves his bones, the body drops lifeless. Meaning Brooks ability, personality, and DF are all stored in his soul. (presumably the same with all DF users)

This gives us two big power up potential for Brook;

1. The Devils implosion- if Brook was able to sever the tether to his body, and posses other people or object like he did the first time he died. And the fact that Brooks DF resides in his soul (as do all). If Brook forced his soul into a current DF user, like Doffy for arguments sake… Regaurdles of the victims power, Doffys body would explode because no person can have two fruits inside their body.

Brook woukd just reform in his logia esq soul body, and go back to his bones after.

2. Devils body and mind- because Brooks soul (DF container woukd no longer be attached to his body) it would be a fair assessment to view Brooks body, or bones as more of a vehicle or weapon, and not a part of Brooks DF… If this was the case, Brook’s bones could have a zoan of other DF put into them like funkfreid or alpacacino. And this shouldn’t conflict the rule of two, and give Brook access too some really cool techniques… On the downside he wouldn’t nessicarily be in control of the body anymore. Theoretically Brook could have DF implanted into each bone individually, or like just his hands and feet to house 3-4 DF… Think of it as taking Brooks arm off, inserting a DF then we attaching it.

What do you think?

*Theory by Portgas D. Xatch


This is going to be unexpected.

Lots of pirates would have bastard sons back in the day, and leave them. So I am thinking, what about Gol. D Roger had a son before Ace?

The very man himself, Marshall D. Teach or also as known as: Blackbeard.

It’d be perfect since Roger would’ve been thirty-seven when he would have Teach. Source: http://onepiece.wikia.com/wiki/World_Timeline. I had it all checked out before writing up this theory.

I’m not going to dwell in who was the wife, because that’s useless to us. I want to explain why first. So, remember what happened in the Marineford arc? Whitebeard turned to Blackbeard and said: “You’re not the one Roger’s waiting for”, why did he say that to only Teach? He wasn’t the only pirate on the island, there was Buggy, Moriah, Crocodile or Luffy. It was a direct message to Blackbeard after he given it some thought too. He even specified that Teach was not one of those who properly carried the will of Gol. D Roger.

It was to tell Blackbeard “Just because you’re a legacy, do not feel as if you’re definitely the one.”

(I personally think it was a good personification when Whitebeard had said that their bloodline had been “extinguished” relating to Ace’s Mera Mera no mi)

In these few panels, Whitebeard claims that Blackbeard is not someone who carried the “Will of D” and disowns him from being one just like he disowned him from being his son.

You probably think that Roger and Teach look nothing a like, but when I look over the images Teach just looks like a fat roger with missing teeth and curly hair.

Relationship with Ace?

I think they both have a Ying-Yang relationship. Ace represents light, and Teach represents darkness. To completely diverse people, who are related by blood. It’s complicated to explain the Yin Yang between them. Though I think Oda showed this metaphorically between their battle:

*Theory by Luck Gandor


The four strongest Bounty Hunters of West Blue, North Blue and South Blue. Their identity and role.

I. East Blue – Roronoa Zoro the Pirate HunterZoro had quite the reputation as a “bounty” and “pirate hunter” throughout East Blue. It hasn’t been mentioned explicitely, but I think it’s safe to assume that he was in fact the most notorious bounty hunter in all of East Blue, going by his nickname and the fact that people such as Arlong, Krieg and Smoker were the strongest pirates and marines likewise.

II. West Blue – Daz Bones the KillerSecond, we have Daz Bones, known as “the killer” (or assassin) during his bounty-hunting days at West Blue, and according to Smoker’s reaction he must’ve been quite a big deal. We can only speculate that his epithet stems from the fact that he’d rather bring in the fugitives dead than alive. It’s only a little detail, but I think Daz was to West Blue what Zoro was to the East Blue. Funny enough they both left their profession as bounty hunters to join other groups and I think this trend will continue in the past.

III. Nort Blue – Shiryu of the RainMany people have already speculated that Shiryuu hails from Wano, things such as his Japanese mannerism, his epithet and him being a swordsman make it very possible. But why did he leave Wano in the first place? Maybe he was exciled or left for a journey who knows. We have also learned that the Samurai hate pirates, so it makes sense that he would become a notorious bounty hunter at first and later join the World Government. Since North Blue ist the most lawless of the four oceans and closest to the New World, it makes it a perfect backstory location for Shiryuu that we will only learn about once he fights Zoro, a fellow former bounty hunter.

IV. South Blue – Ryokugyu the Green BullThis is 100% speculation now, but I believe either Fujitora or Ryokugyu was originally a bounty hunter. For this theory, I’m gonna assume Ryokugyu. And South Blue is the least well known of the four oceans, so it kinda fits. What I think is that Ryokugyu started out as a bounty hunter in South Blue and over time became known as the “new world’s most fearsome bounty hunter”. Furthermore, in the movie “Zatoichi vs. Yojinbo” holds two interesting details that could parallel Fuji and Ryo. First, they call each other “monster” and “beast”, implying equality. And second, Yojinbo is also portrayed as some sort of bounty hunter or at least someone who only works at a price. So maybe Ryokugyu is the exact opposite of Fujitora who joined the marines out of idealism, whilst Ryokugyu may have joined out of opportunism because the World Government offered him a huge amount of money so he gave up his bounty-hunting business?

Finally, the order in which Zoro will defeat them and claim his title as the world’s strongest (former) bounty hunter on top of that.

1. vs. Daz Bones (duh) – Zoro had to cut iron in order to defeat him (=breath of all things).

2. vs. Ryokugyu – Cutting through an admiral’s armament haki will be a huge deal.

3. vs. Shiryuu – Splitting diamonds to become the world’s greatest swordsman and whatnot.

What do you think?

*Theory by Charlotte Crunch


Pudding seems to be helping in the BMP biggest time of need… or is she setting them up?

So after Manga Chapter 873, there were a few things about Pudding ‘saving the day’ that make me think…

Is Pudding actually setting herself up for an escape from Big Mom?

When Pudding’s plan is introduced, the Big Mom Pirates are more or less at their wit’s end. With no way to create the wedding cake, they know that Big Mom’s rampage will not end anytime soon, and that most likely means the end of their home.

Then Pudding comes rushing in with a grand solution, but her conditions don’t sit well with me.

First, she asks to go to her home town, where she may have more than few tricks up her sleeve in the case of a betrayal or escape. Also, if I remember correctly, her town was one of the first places that the Straw Hats encountered upon entering Big Mom’s territory, so i’d imagine it is one of the border islands. This means it is an advantageous escape point, as it is close to open waters rather than deep in Big Mom’s territory.

Then she asks for Chiffon to help her. Hmmmm why Chiffon? With the entire Big Mom family around, you would think they would have some other options beside Chiffon cake (although maybe thats a wedding staple – i don’t know). Additionally, Chiffon is not exactly one of the most accessible family members to them at the time as she is most likely with Bege trying to escape at the moment and has effectively betrayed the family.

On that note, keep in mind that Chiffon is not sympathetic to her family or mother at all at this point. A few chapters back, she even felt bad that she felt no regret for plotting her mother’s assassination, and Pudding is no dummy. It is very possible that Pudding is already assuming that Chiffon had turned on the family and is factoring that into her plan. Chiffon was already hated by Big Mom, so having her husband try to assassinate her is not going to go well for her. She has no reason to go back or help.

Another thing to keep in mind is that Chiffon is Lola’s twin sister and had to bear the brunt of Big Mom’s hatred for Lola, which is a big reason she is more loyal to Bege than her family & Mother. Pudding and Lola were close, so I can only assume she was also close with Chiffon or at least felt a kinship. When pudding was going through her wedding psychology stuff, Oda focused a lot on Lola and Pudding’s relationship, and how Lola was driven off by her passion to make her own decisions.

So with Lola in mind, what did we just see unfold in front of our eyes with the wedding? Pudding and Sanji were to get married, and instead the Whole Cake Island was destroyed, the wedding was ruined, they lost Germa, they lost Big Mom’s mind, and the wedding cake was ruined. If Lola ruining the Giant marriage earned a death sentence and eternal hatred from Big Mom, what does this mean for Pudding? Is she so dumb to think that her inability to pull the trigger and kill Sanji will come without recourse? Once Big Mom realizes what happened, Pudding can only assume to get the same treatment that Lola did, but probably even worse. We’ve seen Big Mom kill other siblings of hers for even less.

There is also a connection with Pudding and Chiffon with Nitro, who is the homie who wears a Capone Bege hat. Coincidence? I am not sure how it fits exactly, but it is suspicious to a degree…

So my theory is that Pudding is now in self-preservation mode. All of her moves are made to give her options to escape…. if Big Mom destroys the Straw Hat Pirates, she will bank on the Fire Tank Pirates possibly still being around, so she asked for Chiffon to be brought to her immediately upon capture. If the Fire Tank Pirates get away, she can try to repair her reputation as much as possible with her Mother by making the cake, or she may just be asking for the rare ingredients so she can take them and use them for funding when/if she bails.

Part of this is a hunch on the ‘?!’ on the final panel after Pudding says she wants to ‘reward’ Big Mom for getting rid of Sanji and the Straw Hats. Her wanting to reward Big Mom for doing something shows that Pudding sees herself ‘above’ Big Mom in some way, and that is why I think she’s on the edge of turning her back on the family. She doesn’t seem to be on the same page as Big Mom, and I think this may be her opportunity to make a proper split.

A small side theory here is that she may also have used her ability on Big Mom at some point and saw what happened when she was young with Mother Caramel. Could she be trying to set up the family to get eaten along with the wedding cake in some way? Could Linlin wake up at the end of this arc on an empty Chocolat Town Island just like when Mother Caramel disappeared? I’m not sold on this side theory, but it’s fun to speculate :p

In conclusion, I feel like Pudding’s plan to help the family is more of a set-up for her and Chiffon (and possibly the FireTank Pirates as well) to get out of Big Mom’s influence as quickly as possible. If any two people will be blamed for this, it will be Pudding for botching the wedding and Chiffon for not reporting Bege’s assassination attempt. Chocolat Town is on the border of Big Mom’s territory, and Pudding could also be tricky with the Wedding cake and high-tail it out of there. Pudding is re-living Lola’s nightmare, and she knows the only way that Lola was able to survive was escape, so that is what I am speculating is her true goal.

*Theory by Marq Hogans