Kozuki Oden

Kozuki Oden was the daimyo of Kuri in Wano Country and was Momonosuke’s father.


Oden cared deeply for his clan as he sacrificed himself to enable his son and retainers to escape the Beasts Pirates. Kin’emon, Kanjuro, Raizo, and Momonosuke were shown grieving over his death.

Due to the loyalty of their rulers, all the minks on Zou respect Oden and the Kozuki Family enough to sacrifice their lives for one of their retainers.

As retainers, Inuarashi and Nekomamushi are very loyal to Oden. However, when Momonosuke saw Inuarashi and Nekomamushi, he questioned whether Oden was the reason for their bitterness toward each other. Momonosuke claimed that his father would be saddened if he saw them fighting, a remark that caused the two to reconcile their feud, showing their respect toward his father.


As part of the Kozuki Family, Oden inherited the knowledge and skill to read Poneglyphs and write its ancient language. He also had the ability to hear the “Voice of All Things”.

Oden was also a member of the Roger Pirates. His clan formed a pact with Inuarashi and Nekomamushi and he traveled the seas together with them. For a time, they traveled on Whitebeard’s ship and later with Gol D. Roger’s crew on the Oro Jackson. Oden also had been on Raftel with Roger.

Sometime before the present, he and his wife were executed by Kaido and the shogun of Wano Country and he died without passing on the knowledge of the Poneglyphs to his son Kozuki Momonosuke.