Results for the Sixth One Piece Popularity Poll!

Based on over 80,000  votes, Law falls to 4th, giving us back the Monster Trio top 3 that we are so used to see. Here’s the Top 20:

  1. Luffy: 11,737 votes.
  2. Zoro: 10,442 votes.
  3. Sanji: 10,215 votes.
  4. Law: 7,997 votes.
  5. Ace: 4,605 votes.
  6. Jinbe: 3,884 votes.
  7. Chopper: 3,301 votes.
  8. Nami: 3,269 votes.
  9. Sabo: 2,967 votes.
  10. Hancock: 2,452 votes.
  11. Shanks: 2,010 votes.
  12. Robin: 1,952 votes.
  13. Cavendish: 1,742 votes.
  14. Reiju: 1,665 votes.
  15. Usopp: 1,409 votes.
  16. Rocinante: 1,230 votes.
  17. Doflamingo: 1,125 votes.
  18. Crocodile: 1,050 votes.
  19. Brook: 936 votes.
  20. Franky: 861 votes.
  21. Marco: 861 votes.

Here’s the best of the rest: