The latest chapter was so mindblowing!

Mindblowing Chapter! It was funny, dramatic, epic!

Luffy’s entrance was amazing! 😀

Jinbe officially joins the Strawhats!! His speech was epic AF! Yonko, Admirals, Shichibukai,.. Straw Hat Pirates are not afraid!

Big Mom pirates are just watching, Katakuri is the only one who is doing anything to stop Luffy and friends, he’s such a badass and a tough opponent with tremendous physical strength, insane haki and even logia powers(Mochi Mochi no Mi).

Sanji goint to protect Pudding….nothing else to be expected by him. He would never put a lady in danger!

Where are the Vinsmokes? Have they realized what’s going on?

Brook finally breaking portrait out of nowhere especially with Luffy mask was fantastic! 😀He fought Big Mom, he stole her most heavily guarded treasure, then he destroyed her most important treasure. He is the real hero of this arc!!

Can’t wait for the next chapter. So hyped for Big Mom’s reaction!