Zou is the name of an elephant on top of which is the Mokomo Dukedom, Land of the Minks.

It is considered a phantom island due to not being actual land, therefore not being able to be tracked by a Log Pose.

This fact makes Zou an appropriate place to take shelter, as it’s very hard to be found. Even the Straw Hat Crew managed to do so only by following Bepo’s Vivre Card. However, Jack managed to reach it, much to Inuarashi’s trouble, who’s convinced that he possessed someone’s Vivre Card.

This is where all the theories about Zou’s traitor (the one who guided Jack to the island, in order for him to seize Raizo) come from. Almost all the Minks we know have been suspected:

  • Bariete, for being easily bought off
  • Pedro, for not having been crucified by the Beasts Pirates
  • Wanda and Carrot, for being “fishy”

And so the list goes..
Here’s my point of view: what if there were no traitor amongst them?

(your reaction)

Indeed, each of them perfectly knew where was Raizo hidden, and could tell Jack anytime. Hence why I think we could exclude the Minks right from the start.

Although I think there’s no traitor, Jack obviously had a Vivre Card to track Zou. I think he picked up this Vivre Card at Wano Country..

Think about it..
From the very start, the samurai had planned to set sail to Zou after Kaido invaded Wano Country.

They, of course, had a Vivre Card too, otherwise they wouldn’t even dream of reaching Zou.
So they indeed had a Vivre Card in their possession, but we know they shipwrecked, and so only Raizo (who was in possession of their Vivre Card) arrived at Zou.

Kin’emon, Kanjuro and Momonosuke, not having any means to join with him, then arrived on Dressrosa, and we know what happened following this point…

But whose Vivre Card did they have upon leaving Wano Country? They most likely had a part of Inuarashi’s or Nekomamushi’s.

What I think is that Jack too picked a part of the same Vivre Card of them, and pursued them to Zou. It isn’t far fetched to think that a Vivre Card guiding to Zou was conserved by the Kozuki Clan, in case they needed to get in touch with the Minks, given what Inuarashi says:

To conclude, I don’t think there’s a Mink traitor, but rather that Jack used one of the leader’s Vivre Card in order to get to Zou. If I were to guess, I’d say it’s Inuarashi’s, given the trouble it causes him and also for plot relevance since he stayed on Zou for the moment.

*Theory by Aloe Veraù