So there has been many speculations as to why Shanks visited Foosha Village, and triggered the fateful encounter with Luffy.

I’ve have read through countless theories, and although some seem plausible, I would like to give my input as to why I believe Shanks went to Dawn Island…..The reason for that being, is that is because that is where Gol D. Rogers body is buried. I also believe Shanks went there for two reasons!

1) Shanks wanted to pay respect to Rogers grave.

2) Shanks went there to return the Straw Hat to Rogers grave!

Why would Shanks do that though? Roger gave him the Straw Hat for a reason, so why would Shanks go to return it? We will get to that in a minute, but first…..How did Roger’s body get to Dawn Island? Well I believe Garp is the one who brought it there. After Roger was executed, I believe Garp asked Kong (Who was F. Admiral at the time) If he could be allowed to be the one to bury Roger’s body. Since Garp is the “Hero of the Marines” and Roger’s greatest rival, I believe that is more than enough reason for Kong to allow Garp to take Roger’s body….Especially since Kong seems to hold Garp in high regards.

Now onto why Shanks went to Foosha to return the Straw Hat to Roger’s grave….I believe it is because, Roger said the same thing to Shanks, that Shanks said to Luffy when he gave him the Hat. Him and Shanks made a promise that Shanks would take care of his Straw Hat, and to come return it to him, when Shanks has made a name for himself, and became a big named pirate.

That also answers another question that has been on everyones mind…..When did Shanks become a yonko! I believe Shanks became a Yonko right before he went to Foosha Village. After Shanks became a Yonko, he headed to Foosha Village to fullfil his promise to Roger, and thats when he met Luffy! Remember Whitebeards words when him and Shanks talked? About how he was shocked that a man as powerful as Shanks came back from East Blue missing an Arm, and his signature Straw Hat? I think that was a hint Shanks because a Yonko around the time he visited Dawn Island!

I believe he saw Roger’s will in Luffy and the uncanny resemblance that Luffy shared with Roger, and instead of leaving the Straw Hat at Roger’s grave, he decided he was going to leave the Straw Hat, with the kid who he believes inherited Roger’s will, and the man believes Roger was waiting for! In a sense, Shanks has fulfilled his promise to Roger, by returning the Straw Hat to the kid who will one day carry Roger’s will, and in turn, by making the same promise with Luffy, he would ensure that Luffy would follow the path of being a pirate, and fulfill his role that Roger believed he would!

The reason why I hightlight the word promise, is because it is a major theme within One Piece…..And so far every promise we have seen so far, has been linked back to Luffy…..He fulfilled the promise of Calgara to Montblan Noland, by ringing the Golden Bell, signaling to Noland’s ancestor, Cricket the location of Sky island. I believe Luffy will fulfill the promise Joy Boy made to Poseidon, by bringing all the Fishman to the surface via the Noah. So it makes sense that if Shanks made a promise with Roger, that Luffy will be linked to that promise as well!

Fate is also a major theme within One Piece, and I believe Roger was fated to be buried on Dawn Island, which would in turn, bring Shanks to the Island….So in a sense, Roger was in fact the one who found the man he was waiting for, and set him on the path of fulfilling his role of finding Raftel, and the One Piece..

*Theory by Celestial D. Dragon

Last mission of the Roger Pirates

24 Years before the current storyline, Gol D. Roger was sentenced to death and executed in Logue Town. We know that Roger had an illness that couldn’t be cured, and he had acquired everything he wanted after completely exploring the Grand Line including the final island, Raftel. Nearing the end of his life, Roger disbanded the Roger Pirates before his execution… or so we think. But what if the Roger Pirates had one last mission? Let me explain.

I. An unfinished mission.

The Roger Pirates were the only pirates ever who successfully explored the final island Raftel. It is likely that this final island is somehow tied to the Rio Poneglyph and the truth behind the Void Century. We know that the Roger Pirates have found out about the truth, but they didn’t act on it. Roger was terminally ill, and no matter what was inscribed on the Rio Poneglyph, he was in no condition to act on it if they wanted to. So what if the final mission of the Roger Pirates was to inspire and guide a successor that could complete their story and their journey by finding out about the truth themselves and having the possibility to act on it?

II. Detailing the plan step by step.

It is possible that some core members of the Roger Pirates are actively pursuing this final mission and seeking its success. I will explain this in the next few sections.

Inspiring the new generation

We all know that no matter what is inscribed on the Rio Poneglyph, some people will only act out of selfishness like Blackbeard. This could be the reason why Whitebeard clearly stated that Blackbeard wasn’t the person Roger was waiting for. It was necessary for the Roger Pirates to find the right person, and it is likely that no capable pirate during their era was suited for the job. Whitebeard had a pure heart but wasn’t interested in ruling the sea or finding Raftel because he only cared about his crew that he saw as his family. Because of this, they needed a certain event that would inspire a new generation of pirates that would ultimately result in a suitable successor. This all resulted in Roger turning himself in and proclaiming that he left all his treasure at “that place” during his public execution. Roger knew that he was going to die, so he made sure that his death wasn’t in vain but actually was the first step in their big plan.

Finding the right person

The next step in this plan, is finding the right person among all the candidates. The person who was likely responsible for this was Shanks. We know that Shanks founded his own pirate crew and rose to power and become a well-known pirate. Shanks travelled the world and saw many places and likely met a lot of people. His journey into East Blue could have been for the purpose of finding Roger’s successor. When he met Luffy, it quickly became clear that he had the willpower, and the spirit that Roger also possessed. Members of the Roger Pirates have even expressed that they see the same spirit in Luffy that they saw in Roger. Shanks ultimately chose Luffy to be the chosen person to complete Roger’s mission.

Further Guidance

It is possible that Shanks his Straw Hat isn’t just a token that ties Luffy to the title of Pirate King, but it is also a sign to other members of the Roger Pirates that he is the chosen person. Some of the Roger Pirate members have possibly set up post along the Grand Line on points that all the big time pirates will pass (Sabaody) in order to guide the possible successor. The first person to do this was Crocus at the entrance of the Grand Line, and later they met Rayleigh at the end of paradise at Sabaody. Rayleigh trained Luffy in haki during the two year timeskip and assisted Luffy in preparing for the New World. Because of this, Rayleigh is responsible for helping Luffy another step further in his journey to the Pirate King title and the final island Raftel. It is possible that more members of the Roger Pirates will show up before reaching Raftel, like Scopper Gaban.

III. Purpose of the mission

It is possible that the Rio Poneglyph contains information about the World Government that turns the world upside down and cause a massive war against the Celestial Dragons and their governing organisation. The Pirate king could become the leader against the ruling forces and because Roger was terminally ill, he couldn’t start this himself but instead decided to devote his crew to finding a person and pirate crew who would be able to do it instead. Luffy and the rest of the Straw Hats could ultimately be the people who find the truth and unite various factions from around the world against the corrupt and possibly evil organisation that we know as the World Government.

*Theory by S.

Blackbeard’s Transplant Theory

There are a lot of theories flying around, about why Blackbeard is able to wield two devil fruits. Some think he have split personalities, which I think is unlikely because it’s already been done
The other prevalent theory is that it’s a feature of his devil fruit. I don’t like that explanation, because it breaks one of the big rules of devil fruits. It’s the same reason I don’t like the idea of a water devil fruit.
From there, the theories gets increasingly outlandish. My favorite is the one I saw not so long ago, that BB had taken WB’s power by eating his genitalia.

Well, I have a theory of my own.
Why did he cover WB with a blanket before taking his fruit? I’ll tell you why.
It’s a magic trick. Blackbeard wanted it to look like he’d eaten two fruits. But he didn’t actually. He even says it himself:
I’ll give you the ultimate show.
His crew may or may not be in on it, since they’re helping him set things up.

So what actually happened under that blanket? Well, we do have one clue. Like that one kid in the audience who knows you’re hiding the penny up your sleeve, Marco saw through Blackbeard immediately.
If it’s BB’s body that’s strange… One possibility is that Blackbeard has recieved transplants. He does look like a person who’s been beaten to the inch of his life some time in the past, lacking teeth and is that a broken nose or is he just ugly? He might have had a mechanical arm in the past, which would explain why his crew knows about his body, and why Shank’s scar looks like someone clawed him in the face. Blackbeard might actually have done that, before later replacing it with an organic arm. Remember Blackbeard has a doctor in his crew, who, honestly, looks like transplants are right up his alley.

But what does that have to do with magic tricks, you ask!

Well, just because you have transplants, doesn’t mean you can eat two devil fruits. And that’s exactly my point. BB didn’t eat two devil fruits.


He infused the df into his transplant. Now, we’ve always wondered what would happen if an object got a logia or a paramecia fruit. I remember a theory once about Nami’s staff getting the yuki yuki no mi. Fascinating stuff. Obviously, the problem is that the df needs a mind to move it.

With a transplant, you pretty much get around that problem. It was still a pretty big gamble of course. If it’d gone wrong, Blackbeard could have blown up, or just ended up with a fake arm with a gura gura no mi that couldn’t be controlled.

As an aside note, did anybody else notice BB’s mysteriously dissapearing beads? I noticed it while pouring over the pages looking for clues.

*Theory by Birdy


Ever since Benn Beckman’s encounter with Kizaru at Marineford, I was puzzled why would Kizaru fear him that much. Because Kizaru can move at the speed of light, so why would he stop when Beckman tells him to ?
Possible ideas were that he has Speed Speed DF or something that allows him to see people move at slow motion, like Mihawk’s eyes. Still I was not sure, until this guy appeared:
I think Benn Beckman can, similar to Katakuri, see a bit into the future, and that’s why Kizaru stopped when he was going to attack Luffy, because Benn would since his intentions and probably fire a Sea Stone bullet from the gun he was pointing at him as well.

Since Shanks himself is the master of Haki, it is not surprising that his crew mates (specially Benn, as he is the 1st mate) also have a very high Haki skills. Usopp’s father could as well has a powerful CoO that helps him in sniping enemies.

One last thing is how Benn could get so high on the top of the ship in a short time before Kizaru notices him. I think he could predict that a few moments earlier and thus get up there in advance, he could also have some cool mobility skills to allow him to move quickly. He even made himself comfortable, and by the time he met Kizaru he was already setting, that means he has been there for a while before the meeting.

*Theory by Zoro.Senpai

Raftel could be located under the Earth – Theory

A Journey to the Center of the Earth and Raftel

You may know the novel of Jules Verne “Voyage au centre de la Terre – A Journey to the Center of the Earth”. I want to tell you the speculation that maybe the Island Raftel is located under the Earth – so the Strawhats must do a journey to the centre of the Earth to find One Piece.

So let’s get started!

First, let me tell you a bit about the story of “A Journey to the Center of the Earth” (for those who don’t know much about it).

The main characters are a german Professor Otto Liedenbrock, his nephew Axel and their guide Hans. The Professor found a runic script. The message of this manuscript was in fact a medieval note written by the (fictional) Icelandic alchemist Arne Saknussemm, who claims to have discovered a passage to the centre of the Earth via Snæfell in Iceland.

The journey begins and the three are descending in a volcano, which is the entrance.

But the volcano has three craters, only one has the right path. The Texts also states that the path is touched by the shadow of a nearby mountain.

The three travellers set off into the bowels of the Earth, encountering many strange phenomena and great dangers…

The path leads to an underground world which is lit by electrically charged gas at the ceiling, and is filled with a very deep subterranean ocean, surrounded by a rocky coastline covered in petrified trees and giant mushrooms. The travelers build a raft out of trees and set sail. The Professor names this sea the Lidenbrock Sea. While on the water, they see several prehistoric creatures such as a giant Ichthyosaurus, which fights with a Plesiosaurus and wins. After the battle between the monsters, the party comes across an island with a huge geyser, which Lidenbrock names “Axel’s Island”.

Further in the story Axel the nephew of the Professor Axel discovers, prehistoric plant and animal life forms, including giant insectsand a herd of mastodons. Also he finds an oversized human skull.

So what are the parallels to One Piece?

1. This runes are the first parallel to the Poneglyphs in One Piece.

And like the Red Poneglyphs – The Road Poneglyphs, these runes are marking a way. A center of the Earth, the entrance trough a volcano. And this centre is so hidden and difficult to reach, that only one man, the Icelandic alchemist Arne Saknussemm so far could reached it.

Robin took the role of the Professor, with the aim is to reach a hidden island. Arne Saknussemm would be in this case Gol D. Rodger, with his last words:

You want my treasure? You can have it! Look for him! Somewhere I hid the world’s greatest treasure!

And the alchemist Arne Saknussemm in the runic script:

Descend, bold traveller, into the crater of the jökull of Snæfell, which the shadow of Scartaris touches (lit: tastes) before the Kalendsof July, and you will attain the centre of the earth. I did it. Arne Saknussemm.

2. Raftel located under the earth?

We have seen in the story of One Piece

Skypia -> In the Sky
Fishmen-Island -> Under Water

So an Island under the Earth is missing, it could be Raftel, it is hidden and difficult to reach so maybe the reason is simply because it’s not over water btw. not on earth.

3. Could be the “Lidenbrock Sea” Allblue?


Several see creatures and also prehistoric ones are living in this sea. So maybe All Blue could also be in the centre of the Earth. It would fit perfectly with Sanji’s dream and the Location of Raftel.

Thanks for reading!

*Theory by Abiz

Marshall D. Teach is weak without his Devil Fruit?​


How strong is Blackbeard without his Devil fruit? To answer this; Shank’s history needs to be dissected to a fair extent in order to fully understand the depth of Blackbeard’s powers. There’s only 1 person who truly knows how strong he is and that is Shanks.

When did Shanks get his scar?

Shanks (27 years old) was first seen in chapter 1 with Luffy who was aged 7 at the time, although Shanks arrived at Windmill Village when Luffy was 6 years old.


In the Ed war which occurred 3 years before Roger’s execution, Shanks didn’t have a scar and he was 12 years old at the time and 15 at Roger’s death.


If we remember, Shanks told Whitebeard that he didn’t receive this scar from Mihawk, it means Shanks fought with Blackbeard around the time his duels with Mihawk were widely known about.


Based on current information, in my opinion, Shanks fought Blackbeard Teach probably on his way to Windmill Village from the Grand Line which puts him between the ages 25 – 26 when he fought Teach.

Time Span between Roger’s death and Luffy at aged 7?

Luffy was 17 years old when Shanks and Whitebeard met on the Moby Dick and 22 years had flown by since Roger’s death. So when Luffy was 7 years old, 12 years had gone by since Roger died; Roger died 5 years before Luffy was born.

Haki was a common thing in the New World even back then?

Chinjao claimed to have fought Garp 30 years ago to a 19 year old Luffy, so this grudge Chinjao harboured against Garp had begun to grow 11 years before Luffy was born. This means we saw Chinjao and Garp use haki 6 years before Roger’s death, so haki was already something common in the New World and a requirement to survive.


If Shanks was sailing with Roger at the age of 12, he must have been a pretty exceptional pirate and must have been very well aware of haki especially being under the counsel of Roger and Rayleigh.

Blackbeard Teach and Haki

It’s easy to intuitively assume that Teach doesn’t possess haki because of his Devil fruit power, but that isn’t necessarily the truth. Backing up abit, we know Teach has at least been a Whitebeard Pirate for at least 22 years since we saw him on Whitebeard’s ship when Shiki visited; it should naturally be assumed he has haki just like we assume Mihawk does. To read the details of Teach possessing haki, read the spoiler below…

Teach being an unliked character in tandem with such a powerful ability acts as a red herring that makes one easily conclude that he’s not a haki user; with that being the case, I’ll be presenting some points that indicate he’s very much a haki user.


The first time we’re introduced to Blackbeard, he’s able to tell that Luffy should be worth more than 30 million Beries due to sensing his spirit.


Then next time he sees Luffy, he says Luffy’s haki is stronger before which means the first time they met, he sensed his haki too or he wouldn’t know it’s stronger now; this hints that Teach is at least capable of Observation haki.


In order to understand whether BB possesses Armament haki, it’s necessary to under how his abilities work. Blackbeard said the only way he can nullify devil fruit abilities is by holding on to the person or by grabbing as we see him say here.


The only time he de-activated or nullified Ace’s powers was while grabbing Ace here.


When he Grabs Luffy too, Luffy’s Gear 2nd de-activated and his body became void of Devil friuit powers temporarily until out of his grasp again in which he resumes Gear 2nd mode.


Luffy punched him initially while in Gear 2nd, but Luffy remained in Gear 2nd unlike when he got grabbed by Blackbeard which means touching Blackbeard doesn’t nullify abilities, except he’s the one doing the grabbing.


Whitebeard was still able to grasp unto Blackbeard firmly and use his abilities which means it’s only when Blackbeard is holding or grasping that abilities become nullified.


So, when he’s not Grabbing, his powers are not in effect which means when he attacked Ace here…


he couldn’t nullify Ace’s abilities which means he had to haved use armament haki because Ace is a Logia.

And, if Blackbeard didn’t possess armament haki, how could he hold fire too?

Fighting Blackbeard Teach.


Shanks makes sure to emphasize that despite fighting daily with Mihawk, the one who gave him is facial scar was none other than Teach himself ad it wasn’t a careless mistake on his part, but testament to Teach’s strength alone; this heavily implies that Teach himself is stronger than Mihawk too.


Not only does Shanks point out that Teach was able to scar him, he also insists that the Great Whitebeard should not go after Teach denoting how much of a threat he considers Teach to be, despite the fact he’s speaking to the World’s Strongest Pirate.

Why Shanks attacked Whitebeard

It’s obvious from Whitebeard’s expression that he doesn’t believe Teach is as strong as Shanks is making out and this is why Shanks attacks Whitebeard to prove his own strength to Whitebeard as indication that Teach’s power parallels his.


Some of the Whitebeard Pirates think Shanks attack Whitebeard in an attempt to initiate a war, but Marco says Shanks isn’t that reckless.


For Marco to so confidently not be intimidated by Shank’s reckless move is proof that he deems Whitebeard stronger and Shanks probably knows this too. The Redhair are also quite calm because they know Shanks is just trying to make a point in proving just how strong Teach is.

What does this mean?

It means Teach is as strong as Shanks which is why he pleaded with Whitebeard to have Ace pull out of his hunt for Blackbeard. At this point; Shanks hasn’t even fought Teach with his Devil fruit, so it’s quite indicative of just how powerful Teach is without a fruit.

Another thing to take into account is despite the fact the Yami Yami no Mi negates Devil fruit powers, it also makes his opponent’s attacks stronger. His resistance to pain is testament to his strength too or the attacks from both Sengoku and Garp would have killed him despite the pain being amplified by his fruit.

If Teach is so strong, why does he need 2 Devil fruits?

One thing we’ve learnt about Teach is that he’s pragmatic and objective, he holds no grudges and doesn’t do anything unnecessarily. He also has no pride and is willing to be belittled for his goals, this is why the Whitebeard Pirates never truly knew how strong he was and why Whitebeard didn’t believe Shanks.

Putting things into Perspective:

  • How many Yonko have been present since Roger’s death? 4 Yonko.
  • How many years has it been since the last Pirate king? 24 years in current time line.
  • Are the Yonko weak? Not at all.
How Smart Teach Is?

Though the Yonko are not weak; Yonkos like Kaido are all still trying to increase the strength of their armies and Big Mom is still focusing on increasing her fleet.

Blackbeard knows being powerful enough to be a Yonko is not enough (which he is without his Devil fruit), but with 2 Devil fruits he’s much stronger than any Yonko out there and more so once he masters the Gura Gura no Mi.

He has both a Devil fruit that negates devil fruit abilities as effectively as Kairoseki (seastone) and another Devil fruit which deals more damage than any other; if anything, this shows just how much smarter Teach is compared to other pirates and how much planning along with patience he’s put into fulfilling his goals.

Theory by Hannibal Psyche


Today I’m going to share my thoughts on how inanimate objects able to obtain devil fruits.

It’s a mystery how objects/items can gain df powers and transform into animal and have a life, like Lasoo the gun of Mr 4 transforming into a cannon dog and Funkfreed the sword of Spanda that can turn into elephant sword.

Vegapunk scientific research successfully devised a method on how inanimate objects like gun and swords obtain a devil fruit and I have a guess on how he did it.

If we analyse the objects that have df powers we will see their one similarity which is the “metal/iron”, Lasoo (Gun) and Funkfreed (sword) is both made of metal/iron, so how metal relates to obtain the df power for inanimate object? Metal/iron might have a big role for the inanimate objects to gain df power.

I believe Lasoo and Funkfreed didn’t eat the devil fruits, they just absorb it.

Maybe one part of the method that used by Vegapunk is the “juicing.” Juice is naturally contained in fruits and juice is prepared by mechanically squeezing fruit flesh without application of heat and solvent. So I guess Vegapunk invented a machine that can turn the devil fruit into liquid so that he can extract it with inanimate objects that can absorb liquid and one object that can absorb liquid is metal/iron, maybe Vegapunk used a special iron like the Liquore or maybe he knows how to create Liquore.

But, extracting devil fruit juice into inanimate object is not enough to make the research of Vegapunk successful to give life to the object, unlike the paramecia and logia, Zoan devil fruits is he only df that have the ability to give life to the objects because of its ability to transform the user into animal.

I hope this short theory make a little bit sense.

*Theory by Fire_Fist_Recca


Before we go to the meat of the topic, I must ask: Has anyone read Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy?
Well, in short, it’s about a guy who goes and trespasses Hell, accompanied by Virgil, the Roman poet, and then explores every little detail out of it. He finds out about the 3 hells: Inferno, Purgatorio and Paradiso. He spends a week, for a way to get out and once he arrives in Paradiso, he understands the mystery of God’s divinity and humanity.

Aye, don’t be too put off by its complexity and its religiosity.
I’ll make an effort to explain this easier. Trust me. :)


In Skypiea, Oda wrote the exact name of the literature, as a title on chapter 275:


Funnily enough, Oda has added titles in the Skypiea arc that relate to it in some way.
We have Symphony, Oratorio, Fantasia, Play and Quintet in the Skypiea arc.


Dante’s Alighieri’s Divine Comedy has inspired a lot of poets, writers and musicians to write a work that illustrates the Divine Comedy. Amongst those were Franz Liszt, who wrote 2 pieces based on this work, and Tchaikovsky, who wrote a symphony fantasia.

Some people even made plays, that tell this story in their own way.

And indeed, the Skypiea story is related to Dante’s Divine Comedy.
In the Divine Comedy, Dante ascends from Inferno, up Mount Purgatory, to the top, arriving to the 3rd hell: Paradiso. In One Piece, Luffy and his crew climb up the knock-up stream, to get to Skypiea, where Enel self-proclaimed himself as God, who sees all and punishes those who are against his rule.

One thing to note however, is that Luffy climbed from “Paradise“, to Skypiea. This contrast could imply that Skypiea, despite looking like Paradiso in the Divine Comedy, may have actually represented inferno, due to Enel’s rule of the land and the turmoil caused by him.


At Impel Down, we see Luffy descending down the different levels of torture, and going deeper and deeper where the harsher tortures were. Indeed, at Impel Down, we see 6 different levels, with increasing severity of torture from 1 to 6.

Its structure resembled something similar to Purgatory, in Dante’s Divine Comedy. However, its patterns of torture represent Inferno more. Hence, it is a combination of both hells put together.

NOTE the similarity between Purgatory and Impel Down:


1). In Dante’s Divine Comedy, Dante sees how Purgatory was structured. It was arranged into 9 terraces (see pic above). Inferno however, was arranged into 9 concentric rings with increasing severity of torture. A 10th ring is also present in Inferno, which is located at the centre, where Satan was chained up.

Purgatory is indeed, similar in structure to the 6 levels of Impel Down. (Note that the sea of Paradise is at the top of Impel Down, like how Paradise is in Purgatory). Inferno was similar to the tortures of Impel Down

2). One shocking similarity is that in level 5 of Impel Down, prisoners having bounties more than 100 million are locked up, with no protection from the cold. We also see winds present, facilitating the freezing of the condemned. In level 9 of Inferno, sinners who have committed treachery and betrayal are trapped in ice for all eternity. The deeper level 9 is, the worse the conditions, leaving sinners frozen, with the icy winds freezing their flesh.

3). In Dante’s Divine Comedy, level 8 of Inferno were divided into 9 “bolgia’s”. At this level, counterfeiters and those who committed fraud were condemned, subjected into boiling lava for all eternity. It was named as the “heat hell”. Similarly, level 4 of Impel Down had boiling lava too, in which the condemned were at times, mercilessly thrown there.

4). Both One Piece, and the Divine Comedy had icy conditions as being more severe than the heat hell. At Impel Down, Ice was at level 5 and heat was at level 4. At Dante’s Inferno, Ice was at level 9, and heat was at level 8 of the ring.

Both Dante and Luffy talked to the condemned, and even recognized people they knew long before. Dante recognized a man who committed suicide after being wrong accused, and kicked the head of Bocca degli Abati, a traitor of Florence, where he lived. Luffy recognized Buggy, Mr 2 and Mr 3. He even scolded Crocodile for his past actions against Vivi.

6). Both Dante’s Inferno and Impel Down had beasts that savagely devoured and gave living hell to the condemned. At Impel Down, we saw the mythological creature Minotaurus. We also see beasts like the Blugori, and Sadi’s subordinates. At Inferno, we see the mythological creatures, Harpy – which devoured those who committed suicide; the Cerberus, which guarded the gluttonous; and the Minotaurs, which ate those who committed Violence.

7). The well in Crimson hell used by Luffy and Buggy to fall to level 4 in Impel Down is similar to the well Virgil and Dante used to descend to level 9 of Inferno. Only difference was that the giants aided Virgil and Dante’s fall.

Of course, Oda would add variations using his own originality and creativity, which is why we see the “Crimson hell” as among the punishments used in Impel Down. However, the concepts inspired from the Divine Comedy are still there in Impel Down.


Now let’s move on to Blackbeard.
What do we know about Blackbeard?

– He killed Thatch, and ate the strongest logia.
– He killed Whitebeard, and ate the strongest paramecia.
– His ship bear the flag of 3 skulls
– He has weird body structure, as commented by Marco
– He’s a disgusting man, as commented by Jinbe in FI.


Now, having joined this forum around a year ago, I realized that many people have observed the clue of Blackbeard’s flag, and the comment by Marco during Marineford being related. And indeed, many seem to attribute that Blackbeard had 3 bodies.

Many OP fans claim that if Blackbeard ate the strongest Logia (darkness-darkness fruit) and the strongest Paramecia (quake-quake fruit), then it’s confirmed that Blackbeard will also eat the strongest Zoan.

So far, many evidences in OP seem to have supported this claim.
First, we see the pirate flag bearing 3 skulls.
Second was Marco’s comment on Blackbeard having a different body structure.
Third was Jinbe, saying the Blackbeard pirates were hunting devil fruits
Fourth, we see Blackbeard having 3 guns and even 3 teeth missing in the manga.


3 missing teeth


After reading Dante’s Divine Comedy, one could suggest that Blackbeard’s character might have been an inspiration from Satan, in Dante’s Divine Comedy.

1). When Dante’s eyes meet Satan, in the deepest part of hell, he described Satan as having 3 heads of 3 different colors: red, yellow and black. Satan was also described as having black wings, which produced icy winds that froze the lake of Inferno as well as the condemned.

This could indeed, relate to Blackbeard having 3 skulls in his pirate flag. These 3 skulls represent Satan’s 3 heads.

Satan’s 3 heads are colored red, black and yellow, and this could also resemble the 3 different devil fruits: Logia, Paramecia and Zoan. This could imply that Blackbeard will eat the strongest Zoan in the future. This strongest Zoan fruit will be speculated later.

2). Satan was chained up in the darkest level of Inferno. This darkness had a purpose, which served to those who refused God’s gifts of light and warmth. Thus, God took away the gift of light and replaced it with darkness. Warmth was taken away, and was replaced by Ice.

This is similar to Blackbeard, eating the darkness-darkness fruit – the strongest logia, and having the elements of darkness intertwined with Blackbeard himself – i.e. HE becomes the element of darkness.

Another thing that’s worthy of note is that God’s intertwining of Darkness and Ice in Dante’s Inferno may have inspired Oda to place Aokiji as an ally with Blackbeard, as was mentioned in chapter 793. Thus, blending of Darkness and Ice.


3). In Dante’s Divine Comedy, it’s been stated that Satan betrayed God and was thus, punished. It was also given that when Dante saw a “cracked ruined slope” when he entered the ring of lust (the first ring), Virgil stated that this occurred in an earthquake that shook after the death of christ.

For the non-christians out there, God is referred to in the Christian religion as the “Father, son and holy spirit” in the Trinity.
Christ was the son of God.


During Marineford, Blackbeard encoutered his “Father”, Whitebeard and betrayed him. After having killed Whitebeard, Blackbeard stole his fruit and harnessed its powers of granting mighty earthquakes. Indeed, this is the Quake-Quake fruit and Blackbeard had this power after the death of Ace, who publicly called himself the son of Whitebeard.


Ace may have represented “Christ”.

– He has 3 letters in his name, representing the trinity
– He calls himself the son of Whitebeard, whom his subordinates call “Father”
– Some of his fire attacks like “Flame Commandment” and “Cross Fire” are related to the Christian religion, and that of Christ.


So Blackbeard betrayed his father (like Satan in Dante’s Divine Comedy) and had the Quake-Quake fruit, after the death of “Christ” (Ace), similar to the ground in Inferno being shook after the death of Christ in the Divine Comedy.

Now, having Blackbeard resembling Satan in Dante’s Divine Comedy, and him eating the 2 strongest devil fruits, it is clear that Blackbeard will one day, eat the 3rd devil fruit: the strongest Zoan. Recall, that the 3 heads of Satan may have represented the 3 different kinds of Devil fruits

Now, based on Dante’s Divine Comedy, I believe that Blackbeard’s final form, due to the last fruit he’ll eat, will be this:


The final devil fruit he’ll take will be the “Hito Hito no mi, model: Devil”

Here are a few reasons why I came up with this conclusion:

1). We see this AMAZING foreshadowing in Fishman Island, by none other than Usopp: Master of Foretellings. xD


“They don’t need the Hito Hito fruit, do they?”

THIS line itself just SCREAMS foreshadowing of what the Blackbeard pirates are really aiming for. Rumor had it they were hunting devil fruit users, but I believe they were hunting for this specific fruit for Blackbeard – the Devil Devil no mi.

2). We’ve already seen Sengoku’s devil fruit in Marineford. The Hito Hito no mi, model: Buddha. If a human-divine devil fruit like that existed in the One Piece world, then it is confirmed that something like the Hito Hito no mi, model: Devil will surely exist.

Like Satan in Dante’s Divine Comedy, Blackbeard will acquire black wings, with sharp teeth and claws, and a tough hide that could probably give him protection from the weakness he took after eating the darkness logia fruit.

I also believe he might not even be able to control such bizarre powers, probably resulting in him attacking his own crewmates, but that’s for another theory, once the history of the Blackbeard pirates are revealed.

Anyway, I apologize if this is a bit hard to read. I tried my best to make it readable, so hopefully you guys could survive after reading this theory. Hope it makes sense.

*Theory by Mr. Tiddles

Oro Jackson’s Whereabouts Theory

In the One Piece world, ships are considered to be one of the nakama for any pirate crew. A good ship (beside a good captain and navigator) can bring the crews across any sea. Therefore, a legendary pirate like Gol D. Roger, of course, had a great ship that can also be called legend, the king of all the ships. That is the Oro Jackson made from Adam Wood (the treasure wood).

One of the big secrets of One Piece is, where is the ship now?

One year before Roger was executed, he gave the last order to his crew to disband. That was because he was ill for some time and knew that he would turn himself in to the Marines. Maybe he though ahead and had a plan, just like he had to start a new Pirate Age? Could it be that he ordered one of his crew to take care of Oro Jackson, because he didn’t want his nakama Oro Jackson to be in Marines hand?

If this really did happen, who would he entrust this job to? We already met Rayleigh, but he was living on Sabaody and worked by coating ships. Maybe Roger told him to hide the Oro Jackson somewhere, where no one would find it.

Or, perhaps, he told Scopper Gaban to take care of it. We have yet to meet him, so there is a high possibility that he knows something. I am pretty sure that when Luffy meets him, that he will help guide Luffy trough the New World.

Maybe all of Roger’s former crew members know where the ship is, or maybe just one of them knows. We don’t know for now.

But there is also one more possibility. Maybe he left the ship at Raftel as a way to show that his journey ended since the ship represents that. Maybe it’s on Raftel awaiting the new Pirate King. Maybe the clues to the One Piece are somewhere in the ship or the One Piece itself.

*All rights go to the maker of this theory.